Hotfix 6, June 13, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where Symbols are highlighted if moved from view clip edit mode.
- Fixed crash on save drawing.
- Fixed crash on edit schemes for certain Symbols.
- Fixed issue on CET update related to Styles.
Hotfix 5, June 9, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed problem with blocks showing as large rectangles because of the Photo Lab camera.
- Fixed problem with moving the mouse over the Quick Properties box that would cancel the ongoing animation.
- Fixed problem where drawings could not be saved as favorites if a Photo Lab camera was in the selection/drawing.
Hotfix 4, June 7, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where objects that were moved while in View Clip were only visible in that View Clip.
Hotfix 3, May 31, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when applying Schemes to walls.
- Fixed an issue where the paper view scroll bar refreshes to the beginning.
Hotfix 2, May 24, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when loading certain papers.
- Fixed a crash caused by changing paper order.
Hotfix 1, May 23, 2022
Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where paper scrollbar refreshes to the beginning.
- Fixed issue where Catalog Creator SIF exports become very large.
- Fixed issue where ceiling lights rotate while trying to stretch.
13.0 Major, May 16, 2022
News & Changes
ProjectSymbols is now Commercial Interiors Library
- As part of ProjectMatrix becoming a part of the Configura family, the ProjectSymbols Extension has received an update to its appearance and has been renamed to Commercial Interiors Library.
The first time you launch CET after this update, a dialog will open to remind you of this change and help point you to the new look.
Introducing New Extensions
Realtime Rendering with Twinmotion for CET
- A new Extension has been released that enables a link to Epic Games' Twinmotion software, which lets you visualize your drawings using the Unreal graphics engine.
After completing your design in CET, you can sync your data over to Twinmotion to set up a realtime walkthrough that will help wow your clients as you take them on a first person tour of the finished space.
This Extension requires Twinmotion to be installed and running on the same system as CET.
For installation and more information, please visit
From a CET perspective, visit this article to learn more: Twinmotion for CET
Screenshot of a drawing in the 3D view of CETScreenshot of the same drawing in Twinmotion
Essential Pallet Racking
- We are launching a new Extension - Essential Pallet Racking.
This Extension contains a basic selective racking configurator and components for both Metric and Imperial measurements and is available for free on the Marketplace for all Material Handling users.
Here is a short preview to get started:
Explore the features of this extension here: Essential Pallet Racking
Drawing View Updates
- The green Quick Properties box can now be set to appear "docked" next to the currently selected object in the drawing area rather than always staying in the upper left corner of the view.
- The green Quick Properties box can now be recalled back to its default position if it has been moved. A recall button can be found in the upper left corner of the view if the Quick Properties box is not in its default position.
As part of this, we are also removing the old" handle" on the left side of these boxes that could be used to hide them. Instead, you will find an icon for it in the top right corner.
If the Quick Properties box has been hidden, another icon will appear in its original location to help you bring it back:
You can learn more about the new Quick Properties functions here: Changing Component Properties with Quick Properties
- We have made it easier to select small objects or thin lines when clicking on the 2D or 3D views.
- Added new navigation tools to the 2D and 3D toolbars to make navigation easier:
2D: Zoom, Move
3D: Zoom, Move, Circle, Pan, Elevation
These tools are described in this help article: Basic Tools, Icons, and Symbols - To help improve efficiency when working with Architectural walls, we have slightly re-ordered the placement of the various sections within the tab to keep the more commonly used groups of tools at the top within easy reach.
Paper View Updates
- Added support for Papers to have two lines of text as part of their name. As part of this change, the names of papers have also been moved to sit above the paper thumbnails, instead of inside them.
Before After - Added support for using the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through the list of Paper thumbnails. As part of improving navigation through the Paper thumbnail list, we have also made the scrollbar slightly thicker to make it easier to grab onto if you prefer to click and drag instead of using the scroll wheel.
As part of this improvement, we have removed the old navigation arrow buttons to save space and cut down on clutter. - You can now place Dimensions (but not the Chain Dimension) inside of 2D View Clips by using the View clip edit mode. These dimensions will be unique to the View clip they are placed inside and will not be visible in the main drawing view.
This should help reduce clutter and lower the complexity of the paper as you work with it. - The Paper Manager dialog now supports rearranging papers by grabbing and dragging them.
Icons have also been added for Read-Only/Edit mode paper groups in Collaboration mode.
This help article has been updated to reflect these changes: Organizing and Editing Your Paper
Snapping and Rotation Updates to Components
- You can now easily rotate most products by grabbing and dragging on any of their snap points which will make the object rotate around its center point.
Learn more here: Rotating Objects - We have added additional snap points to Plain ceilings to allow for extended control of their shape.
The new snap points automatically become available once you unlock the ceiling from the Quick Properties box.
Flooring Extension Enhancements
- Flooring now fully supports resizing floor surfaces and changing the origin point and will no longer remove the products from the flooring surface when this is done.
- You can now remove products from your Palette by using the right-click menu.
- The Picker feature, in addition to (as before) being accessible through its keyboard shortcut, is now also available from the Quick Properties box for each of the different painting tools (Brush, Bucket Fill, Line, and Gradient).
- A new Tile tools section has been added, providing you with tools for multi-selecting tiles as well as rotating and cutting tiles. These tools work with both single tiles as well as selection sets.
- With the new Remove hole tool, you can remove holes from a flooring surface, i.e., mend a flooring surface that has a cutout in it.
- The Gradient tool can be used for blending different flooring products to achieve rather artistic designs, particularly visible in installation patterns where small tiles are used. You can use its Quick Properties box to choose from various gradient modes.
- The Eraser tool has been promoted to being its own tool with a Quick Properties box containing various eraser types.
- The Flooring Extension has received its own entry in the CET Control Panel; here you can find settings such as measurement preferences (Metric or Imperial), where CET should save patterns and custom products as well as control which catalogues to show in the Flooring tab.
- The Search field in the Catalogues tab of the Flooring Products section now also supports searching by Product numbers.
- Lastly, we have also added the ability to filter your Product Legend based on Tag, Product, or Group.
Do explore our articles on Flooring here: Flooring
- We have added the ability to perform Undo/Redo actions in the Categorization dialog.
- The Part Tagging dialog has a new tool for easy removal of tags. This new Remove from Selection tool is similar to the existing Apply to selection but works in reverse.
- The Work Mode editor now supports editing existing work modes without first having to create a copy of the work mode you want to edit.
Creating or Editing a Work Mode - Work modes can now also be set up for easy sharing with your colleagues via network locations.
Sharing Work Modes - Photograph Setup in the 2D view of the Photo Lab now has a new set of tools to help more exactly control the camera.
More on this here: Photograph Setup - 2D Camera Setup - SIF Export now has a Settings dialog to allow control of output formatting, letting you control how the output data should look; either following the settings for a specific manufacturer or using the default export settings recommended by Configura.
Check it out here: Exporting Article Views to SIF
The dialog defaults to using the settings recommended by Configura, but will remember the last state it was in when the dialog was closed.
Fixes & Enhancements
Performance Improvements
- Improved performance when copying large numbers of Catalogue objects.
- Improved performance for insertion of some stretchable Catalogue objects.
- Improved loading time for drawings that contain large numbers of schemes.
- Improved performance when working with Visibility, Filters and Blocks.
- Improved performance when reloading an already open drawing when using multiple drawings in separate windows. This would previously cause CET to temporarily freeze up.
- Improved Paper View performance by simplifying the contents of the Paper Thumbnails.
- Improved performance for Undo actions.
- Improved performance for the Paper View if using the Collaboration Extension. This should eliminate needless freeze-ups from occurring each time a paper is selected.
- Improved performance for the Flooring Extension and the Cut tile tool that could cause it to use excessive amounts of RAM to store the information needed to perform Undo operations.
- Improved performance for the Flooring Extension that would cause it to unnecessarily store a lot of Flooring product information in memory, leading to excessive RAM usage.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue with Stairs that could cause a crash when placing or moving industrial railings on a landing.
- Fixed issue with loading of drawings containing unknown objects that could cause a crash.
Bug Fixes
- Removed the Precise Dimensions setting from the Control Panel as it has never really worked right. Its removal should not have much of an impact on anything.
- Fixed problem with the Camera Step Angle setting in the Control Panel that prevented the steps from correctly stopping the camera at the desired angles.
- Fixed problem with copy/paste of text and dimension objects between different view modes that could cause the objects to be invisible when printing.
- Fixed problem with the Render Multiple options from the Photo Lab that could cause the buttons at the bottom of the dialog to become hidden when rendering large numbers of images at once.
- Fixed problem with the Part Tagging dialog that could cause it to list tags applied in alternatives other than the one currently active.
- Fixed problem with panels containing doors, that would cause stretching of the panels to add multiple new doors.
- Fixed problem with the Continuous option when inserting panels, that could cause insertion to get stuck after clicking a second time during placement.
- Removed the lock option from the stairs Quick Properties box for Custom Railings as its behavior was inconsistent and confusing.
- Fixed problem with the Arrow with grouped lines tool, that could cause it to show up on top of other objects even though its position had been set to Back.
- Fixed problem with Photos in Paper View that would prevent them from updating correctly when their images were rendered anew in the Photo Lab.
- Fixed problem with RevLink and the Japanese language version of Revit that would cause models to be duplicated in Revit when imported from CET.
- Fixed problem with the Material Explorer that could cause some objects to lose their default material when hovered over with the apply material tool.
- Fixed problem with Edit Graphics and SketchUp export that prevented the edited graphics from being exported, instead of just exporting the base object.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that could prevent installation texts from being visible in 2D for some objects from the Fleetwood manfacturer catalogue.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that would prevent its executable file from shutting down when CET was closed.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension and Make Special that could cause changes to Part description and Catalogue code to be reverted when trying to apply changes.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that would prevent the background color of the 3D view from returning to normal after leaving the Replace Mode.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension and the Replace tool that would cause the 3D view to not return to normal after a Replace was completed, even after manually turning off the Replace Mode option.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that could prevent objects with white lines in them from automatically switching to black for visibility.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that prevented changes to Categories from correctly updating the visibility of objects when layers were unlinked.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that could cause it to incorrectly display a yellow warning message about not having Version 5 Catalogues installed.
CET will now instead open the Catalogue Manager dialog to let you enable at least one Catalogue. - Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library Extension that could cause a Converting Spaces progress bar to appear when loading drawings; and get stuck at 0%.
- Fixed problem with the Flooring Extension and blocks that could prevent tiles inside of blocks from being properly accounted for in Product Legends.
- Fixed problem with the Flooring Extension and selection in the 3D view that would cause CET to select all overlapping floors, rather than just the top one.
- Fixed problem with the Flooring Extension and the Product Legend that would cause it to not display textures when exported to PDF or PowerPoint.
- Fixed problem with the Flooring Extension and the Custom Products dialog that would make it difficult to navigate between the Product information fields with the Tab key.
- Fixed problem with Collaboration that would incorrectly allow for Part Tagging of Levels that were in Sections currently in Read-only mode.
- When opening a Collaboration project, CET will automatically turn off the Autosave feature to minimize the impact on performance as Collaboration projects can contain very large amounts of data.
If Autosave gets disabled, CET will display a notification message to alert you to this change. If you still want Autosave turned on, you can re-enable it, and CET will not turn it off again.
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