- Creating a Project
- Opening a Project
- Working On The Project
- Saving Your Changes, Then Upload it
- Working With Other Users
The CollabPro Extension enables multiple people to simultaneously work on different sections of a Project, without the hassle of manually keeping track of changes.
Drawings collaborated on will automatically be stored in a cloud storage, which you can then use your MyConfigura account for management.
This article serves as a guide into using this Extension as a first timer.
Creating a Project
Under File -> CollabPro, there is a text that directs to opening CollabPro cloud.
Or you could just click on this link:
This is where you can manage CollabPro Projects using your MyConfigura account.
Click on Create new project to create and name your first Project.
Depending on your CollabPro subscription tier, the Total project storage and number of concurrent users per project () will differ.
Check here for the latest subscription tier pricing in the Marketplace.
The Total project storage refers to the total storage sizes of all projects created by the user.
Concurrent users refer to the number of users working on a project at the same time.
Opening a Project
Projects created in your CollabPro cloud will be displayed here.
If your account is added into a Project by someone else, you will see it here as well.
Double-clicking on one of the Projects will open it in CET and bring up the CollabPro File Manager dialog.
On the left side of this dialog is All Files, this holds all the files related to the project including files stored in the cloud. It will stay updated to the changes uploaded into the cloud.
On the right side are files in your computer, Open Files. These are the files you have created from your side, and files downloaded from the cloud, opened up for editing.
To hide All Files, you can click on the Hide All Files button .
There are a lot of amazing features within this dialog and will be covered extensively in this article.
Working On The Project
Let's place a Component in the Drawing Area!
A New Section is created, and is indicated in the 2D, 3D Toolbar, and CollabPro File Manger:
A random color is assigned to the Section, and the color is shown in the 2D background. You can change the Section color by clicking on the colored circle of your Section under Open Files.
Sections are segments of a drawing intended to be editable by only one user at any given time. This is to prevent any editing conflicts between multiple users.
To add another Section, simply click on the Add section button.
Paper Group
Just like what Sections are to Components, Paper Groups are groups of papers designed to be editable to only one user at a time.
Let's click on the Insert a new paper button and see what happens!
A New paper group is created! We can see the paper is now enveloped by its color, the 2D toolbar shows the selected Paper Group, and the paper previews being grouped and colored by its Paper Group.
Notice the Add section button changes to Add paper group depending on what we are working on.
Have other files related to the Project? You can add them to the Project as Attachments!
Simply click on the Add attachments button, select the file from your computer, and viola! It is now a part of your Project, up to date for everyone to edit and refer to.
Saving Your Changes, Then Upload it
So, you are satisfied with your work, want to press Save As and call it a day... but it's grayed-out!
Since our work is being collaborated live with other users, the concept of "Saving" is a little different while using CollabPro. Here we increment each file's Version to help indicate changes.
To do so, click on the Save version button, a new dialog will pop up, showing all the files that have changes.
Each file being saved is tied to a comment to describe the changes. This is useful for finding out the Project's version history.
Click on the Save button to make your first save!
After Saving, something still doesn't seem right. Hovering to the Saved status says, "Available on this machine only".
Does this mean the changes have not been uploaded? You are right! Saving without uploading means your changes won't be seen by other users.
Why? Saving your files locally has special uses, such as being able to revert to previous versions.
To upload your saved changes, click on the Upload saved version button, wait for it to finish uploading, and your changes are now public!
Releasing Files
You might have noticed the Edit icon at the right side of each file. This indicates you are holding these files for editing, preventing others from editing it.
To release the files for others, simply click on the Edit icon to toggle between Edit and Read-Only state. Now someone else can start editing the file!
You can read more about different file states and statuses here.
Working With Other Users
While others are working on the same Project, you can watch changes happen in real-time!
This includes part Part Tagging, Categorization, Level names, Currency, Currency Rate, Filters, and Labels.
To start collaborating with other users, you'll need to create different Roles and Invite Users, which we have covered in MyConfigura Cloud Management.
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