At the top of the Wall drawing component tab, settings can be determined for walls that are in the drawing or that will be placed.
Wall settings ... : Opens a Scheme Designer to edit the default properties of your walls including height, trim, material, and opacity.
Move walls only when Wall Drawing tab is selected: Check this box if you want walls, doors, windows, and other components inserted from this tab to be automatically locked when in any component tab besides Wall Drawing or Architectural.
Appearance: Set all walls in the drawing to appear Normal, Low, or Transparent.
- Normal: Solid
- Low: 7" tall - walls retain height information but appear short to allow for better visibility
- Transparent: Colored outline appears around the edges of walls. When Transparent is chosen, a color box appears at the end of the line to choose the color of the outline.
Angle Step: Set a degree to which lines placed (walls, arrows, rectangles, etc.), as well as rotated objects will snap to for easier, more precise placement.
Wall hatch: Style of hatch shown in the 2D drawing view. Open the Style Editor (blue icon at the end of the line) to create new styles.
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