You can change the wall height, length, and width by clicking and dragging the yellow stretch nodes on a wall. Alternately, select the wall and use the green properties box that appears.
- Length: Distance from one end of the wall to the other.
- Height: Distance from floor to top of wall.
- Left height / Right height: Set different heights for the wall ends to draw a slanting wall.
- Elevation: Height from base floor (gray carpet) to bottom of wall.
- Thickness: Distance from one side of wall to opposite side.
- Wall base trim: Add base trim to your walls and adjust the style & size.
- Opacity type: Make walls solid, transparent, low, or have a custom opacity. "Default" refers to the Appearance selection from the top of the Wall drawing component tab.
- Hatch Style: Use drop-down to select a pre-defined style or click Edit to customize hatch type. "Default" refers to the Wall hatch selection from the top of the Wall drawing component tab.
The properties box for walls supports the use of the four basic arithmetical operations, when the Distance Unit in the Control Panel is set to a Metric option. This means that you could type in changes to the currently displayed value, for example +5, -2, *10, or /2, hit enter, and CET will then calculate the new measurement for you.
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