Enabling "Ext." columns, such as Ext. List/Buy/Sell are the only way to get Subtotals for groups in Calculation.
Here is a summary of many commonly used columns in the Calculation:
- Base: Dealer cost to the customer before adding up-charges
- Buy: Cost to the dealership
- Buy %: Percentage off List (i.e. 50/10/5)
- Catalog: Manufacturer's product catalog
- Category: Various uses per manufacturer, either within a catalog or pricing
- Comment: Open column for adding notes for shipping or installation purposes; does not export to all .sif formats unless using Custom SIF
- Company: Manufacturer
- Complete: Indicates if all options are selected; only works for specific manufacturers
- Description: Part description
- Ext. Buy: Quantity times Buy; will show subtotal at the group level
- Ext. List: Quantity times List; will show subtotal at the group level
- Ext. Profit: Quantity times Profit; will show subtotal at the group level
- Ext. Sell: Quantity times Sell; will show subtotal at the group level
- Ind. Tag: Individual or Installation Tag on each product; double-click in the cell to edit tag in Calculations and drawing view
- List: Published price list
- Main Product: Shows which Main Product an Additional Product originates from.
- Manual Sort: Click-and-drag individual lines to reorder
- Margin %: Percentage between sell and buy
- Markup %: Percentage added to Buy
- Options: Codes for finish options
- Part Number: Part number found in catalog
- Part Key: Unique identifier used by CET
- Preview: Shows thumbnail image of catalogue symbols
- Profit: Difference between Sell and Buy amounts
- Quantity: Number of items in the drawing; double click to edit the amount to order (will not affect drawing; qty in the drawing will still show in parentheses when changed)
- Reconfiguration: Shows existing, proposed, or inventory status if Reconfiguration category has been applied from Part Tagging; Category automatically exists if you have installed the Reconfiguration Tool extension
- Sell: Price to client
- Sell %: Percentage between Sell and List
- SKU: Number assigned to a product by the manufacturer
- Source: Indicates where the part was inserted from. For example:
- CAD = AutoCAD drawing
- PL = picklist
- PS = ProjectSymbols
- Catalogues = CET Catalogues
- CET = PGC Symbols
- TAG1, TAG2, TAG3: Part Tagging categories
- Upcharge: Additional costs for options
Other available columns includes: Area, Depth, Feature Description, Height, Length, Media Weight, Package Count, Part Key, Pricelist, SKU, TOC, Vendor, Volume, Weight, and Width.
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