Users will be able to save the following setting for each project by enabling the Save/Load Preferences option and saving the project file. The preference file (.cmpref) will be saved along with the project with the same file name. Consider saving the .cmpref file in the same location by setting the same path in the Preferences Directory. To save a default preference project, click on the Save as default button to create a preference file in the Preferences Directory. When loading a project, catalogue creator will look for the project preference (same name as the project’s filename) first and then the default catalogue preference file in the defined preferences directory. Project loaded without a project catalogue or default catalogue preference will have all its visibility setting fully turn on.
- Visible columns for all spreadsheets (Products, Features, Options, Materials)
- Validations settings (enable/disable)
- Catalogue Creator Control Panel settings (cascade, preferences and miscellaneous)
- Dialog setting (show/hide)
- Date format
- Default language
- Distance unit
- Resource directories path (Symbols, Swatches, Previews)
- Spreadsheet sort
- Utilities card’s Save To path
- sorting behavior
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