There are several types of components that are common throughout the Catalogue Creator. This section will discuss their usage in a general sense. Specific uses are covered in the relevant chapters.
Spreadsheets are designed to simulate working with other spreadsheet software. The individual elements in a spreadsheet are referred to as either cells or fields. The vertical collection of cells is referred to as a column, and a horizontal collection of cells is referred to as a row. At the top of each column, and at the far left of each row, there are uneditable cells called column headers and row headers, respectively. The column headers describe the data the cells under it are used to edit. Each row in a spreadsheet corresponds to one element in the project ( a product, a material, etc.). The number that is displayed is only for ease-of-use; it is unrelated to the element’s position in the project.
Cells are selected in several ways. Clicking on a cell will select that cell. Holding the Shift key while clicking will cause a range of cells to be selected from the last selection to the location that was clicked. Holding the Ctrl key while clicking will add a single cell to the current selection. When editing a cell, pressing the Tab key will commit the changes, then select the cell to the right of the edited cell. Pressing the Enter key while editing will cause the changes to be committed, and the cell below the edited cell will be selected.
To begin editing a cell, first select the cell to be edited. Pressing the Enter key will select the entire contents of the cell, and place the editing cursor at the end of the selected text. Entering characters on the keyboard while a cell is selected will erase the current contents of the cell and begin entering new text. Pressing the Backspace key while a cell is selected will erase the contents of the cell and begin editing it. Pressing the Delete will erase the contents of all the selected cells.
When cells are selected their contents can be copied to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl-C. Note that the selection must be rectangular. If the current selection is inappropriate for copying, a message will be displayed. To paste the contents of the clipboard, select a target cell, then press Ctrl-V. Note that content copied from a spreadsheet in other software may also be pasted to a spreadsheet in the Catalogue Creator.
There are several types of specialized cells that are not edited in the same way as text or numerical based cells. Working with these cells is covered in detail in their respective sections.
Shifting Columns
Columns can also be shifted around in the Products, Features and Materials sheets by dragging a selected column header.
Shift columns by dragging a selected column header
Inserting Rows
Insert and copy rows by using a new right click menu when selecting rows in the Products, Features and Materials sheets, or using shortcut keys CTRL+C and CTRL+V
Use Insert Row to add a blank row above the selected row
Find / Replace
On all cards that have a spreadsheet, there is a Find / Replace toolbox available. This toolbox is used to search for or replace text in a spreadsheet.
To search, enter text into the top text field. The search can be either case sensitive or case insensitive by either checking or unchecking the Case Sensitive checkbox. Pressing the Find button will then select the cell with the first match, and highlight the text that was matched. Pressing the Find button again will move to the next match result. Any time the Find button is pressed, information about the match will be displayed in the status bar. To replace text, first enter the text to be replaced in the top text field, and set the Case Sensitive checkbox as desired. Then enter the replacement text into the lower text field. If there is currently no match selected, pressing the Replace button will find the rest of the matches for the search text. If a match is currently selected, pressing the Replace button again will replace the text, and move on to the next match, if any. Alternatively, to skip the current match and move to the next, press the Find button. To replace all matching text at once, press the Replace All button. The status bar will display the number of changes made.
Area Headers
Many components and tools in the creator are grouped together under a header. This header provides a quick description of the purpose of the components grouped under it. Additionally, these areas typically have a small help button on the far right side of the header. Clicking this button will display a dialog with a quick description of the area and how it is used.
Some of these headers will also have a downward facing arrow on the far left side. For the headers with this arrow, the user may click on the header to partially hide that area. Once the area has been hidden, it can be shown again by clicking the header again.
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