Photos that have been rendered in the Photo Lab can be inserted in the paper view. There are two ways to insert a photo; it can either be imported into Paper View or exported from Photo Lab. Read more about both procedures below.
Importing photo into Paper View
To place a rendered photo in Paper View using the import feature in Paper View, follow these steps:
- Go to the component tab Tools (paper) in the paper view and click the Photo icon in the Image section:
- Move the cursor to the paper. A rectangle is attached to the cursor.
- Click once to set the starting point for the photo and then release the mouse button.
- Stretch the photo vertically and horizontally to the desired size by moving the mouse.
- Click once to set the ending point for the photo. Yellow snap points become visible on the photo and a property box is displayed in the top left corner.
- You can either
- Double click on the box to open up a Choose Photo dialog, then choose from a list of rendered photos to be used.
- Select from the property box on the top left.
If you want to place images other than photos rendered from Photo Lab, use the Image tool next to the Photo tool.
Exporting photos from Photo Lab
Figure 2: Insert in paper view option in the Photo Lab.
To place a photo in Paper View using the export feature in Photo Lab, follow these steps:
- Place the cursor over the desired photo in Photo Lab; either on one of the thumbnails at the bottom of the page, or on the photo displayed in the viewing area.
- Right-click and select Insert in paper view from the context menu:
- The Paper view opens as a separate window and shows the selected photo inside a viewport.
- You can now continue working in the Paper View.
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