The quick properties box for View Clip 2D:s and Viewport 3D:s each have a button for Visibility Settings. There, you can control which View Modes and Categories apply to the drawing view.
- The View Mode tab matches what you see in the 2D or 3D views when selecting the View Modes buttons.
- After selecting a View Mode, you can pick the Filter tab to go in and fine tune what is visible in the drawing view. Use the eye icons to toggle visibility for the groups and subgroups.
To quickly see what categories a component is assigned to, turn on Detailed Tooltips from the 2D or 3D toolbar! You can also inspect objects in more detail using the Examiner tool.
You can make separate View Settings for each individual drawing view; they are saved with the View Clip / Viewport.
I am having an issue having an issue with Panels only showing in view port. When I choose panels in visibility, I get the viewport showing Tagging only. In the vieport to show components only, I'm seeing nothing in my viewport when selecting Components. I've tried several times.
Hi Donavon! This looks like an interesting scenario! It may be a bug, or it may be an issue with the manufacturer's Extension you are using, but it's hard to say for sure without looking at the drawing. I would recommend trying a clean start (Windows search for "CET" and open "CET Designer (clean start or recover) 64-bit, then click Clean Start), and if it's still not working after that, contact support! Hope this can get resolved soon!
When ever I set up 3D Views in Paper View they preview fine but then print as black boxes, why?

I see that you are using the 3D Viewport, which uses Normal Lighting for rendering.
Could you check if the Realtime Lights option is disabled?
You can refer to this article to troubleshoot:
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