Categorization Dialog: Categories Tab



  • Nayelly Reyes

    Can the new categories created by the user be saved under the local drive? So these can be reloaded and reuse in future drawings? Are these consider a "reusable file"?.. EX. I created categories after learning about it and now I am trying to re-use these categories in previous drawings.

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  • Audrey Moore

    Nayelly, great question! At the moment, there is not a way to save and re-use custom categories. I recommend creating a template file, or seed drawing, that includes all categories you'd like to reuse, and start each new project from the same file, performing a Save As at the start. 

    You can also use template files to re-use Part Tagging, multiple Article Views, Papers, and more to minimize how much you have to redo and reload!

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