CET Developer version 12.0 (2119.0) was released in May 2021.
Highlighted Features
The highlighted features for this version include:
- Binary Explorer
Binary Explorer
This is a utility for showing information about binaries, and it can be accessed in Developer Studio from the right-click menu of a folder containing binaries.
In the Binary Explorer, you can see all the .dll and .exe-files in the folder along with information about their dependencies, where they are referenced in code etc. It can be used for example to determine if any vcredist-dll:s needs to be included when adding a new dll to your extension.
These are the changes since the previous official version. Some of these versions have been released as beta (so you got them if you checked the "Notify about new beta versions"-checkbox in Operator Setup) but most of them were built and tested internally only.
Version 2119.0
- Removed usage of the license service, and replaced it with usage of the new license client dll
- Jira-tab: added support for separate filtering if the ticket is assigned to you or if you're the developer on it. The developer-filter will by default not be used when using a custom Jira-server (since the developer-field is a custom-field set up on Configura's Jira-server)
Version 2114.0
- Change COP memory poller to get peak working set of cm process.
Version 2113.2
- If the CustomEmacsHome-setting is set, then the ssh-files will be stored there
- Improved parsing of version from the msi-filename
Version 2113.1
- Fix an issue with CET msi uploading with to hardcoded MSI name
Version 2110.1
- Commit dialog: added support for filtering file list
- Added transparancy to images that were missing it
- Don't show the "Are you sure"-dialog when closing CET Developer first time
Version 2106.2
- Fixed problem with tool paths not being registered in PATH-variable for the process when running after first install (resulting in path to git.exe etc not being found on first start on clean machine)
- Fixed problem with EnvSetup exiting when clicking Continue if running it as admin
- Updated script for signing
- Updated CETDL info
Version 2106.0
- Added new CETDL-agreement
- Find in Files: added button for copying result to clipboard + small fix to Open in emacs-functionality
- Make sure toolbar-option in Emacs-tab is shown
- Integrated Binary Explorer into DevStudio (available in context menu when right-clicking a folder that contains binaries)
- Fixed possible recursion when automatically updating refs after a failed git-command
- Create New-dialog: Fixed problem with selection changing while typing when dialog is loading
- Fixed images for CodeExplorer when opened from right click on file-tab for docked emacs
- Improvements to Binary Explorer
- Added Binary Profiler (currently available under "Extra Tools" in Operator)
- Refactored Find in Files application logic to a "FindInFilesMachine"-class in CETDeveloperLib so it can be used without the dialog
- Fixed error that could on some conditions occur in a grid view with grouped rows
- Fixed problem with PATH-variable under some circumstances being set from the wrong workspace (affecting the setenv.cmd-file)
- Developer Studio: Make sure that error list is refreshed when reloading code
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