CET Developer version 11.5 (2047.0) was released in November 2020.
Highlighted Feature
The highlighted features for this version include:
- Auto resolve versions
- Adding release info for uploaded extensions
- Translation lookup dialog from emacs
Auto Resolve Versions
When merging from another branch there are sometimes a lot of merge conflicts because of versions being changed in both branches. Instead of resolving those merge conflicts manually, there's now a utility that resolves them for you. It can be accessed by selecting "Auto Resolve Versions..." from the merge menu.
In the dialog that opens you can select which versions to use (ours, theirs, or the highest version) and also manually exclude files when needed.
If a file has other conflicts than different versions it cannot be automatically resolved by the tool, and in that case, the Message on that row will indicate that there are other conflicts in the file.
Adding Release Info for Uploaded Extensions
CET Designer 11.5 and later supports showing information about what kind of updates are being installed (such as "Major new features", "Minor fixes", "Major content updates" etc) plus showing link to release notes.
This information can be added before publishing extensions from Build Center on MyConfigura, but it can also be added from the upload dialog when uploading extensions from Build Central.
The fields can be shown in the upload dialog by clicking the button "Add Release Info" in the dialog during upload, or by checking the "Add Release Info"-checkbox before uploading.
Extensions are continuing to upload in the background while the information is filled in, but it must be saved before the upload can be finalized on the server.

Translation Lookup Dialog from Emacs
The new Translation Lookup-dialog can be opened from emacs using commands Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Alt+R. In this dialog you can search and browse translations available from the current code file you're in, and double-clicking a translation closes the dialog and inserts the translation id at the current cursor position in your code.
These are the changes since the previous official version. Some of these versions have been released as beta (so you got them if you enabled "Check for Beta updates" in Operator Setup) but most of them were built and tested internally only.
Version 2047.0
- Removed duplicate keyboard shortcut
- Updated link to the previous official version
Version 2046.1
- [CETC-78219] Request to add 11.5/major as an option when creating a new workspace
Version 2046.0
- Added "Auto Resolve Versions"-dialog for quickly resolving conflicts in version-files (extension.xml and package.cm) when merging from another branch
- Don't check if logged in to Perforce unless "EnablePerforceWorkspaces" is set
- Fixed problem with workspace not getting listed by default in Operator if saved under non-standard location
Version 2043.0
- Fixed problem that could cause Workspace Editor to not show all repos from server (when server sends null as accesslevel/notificationlevel for a repo)
Version 11.5.2042.0
- Workspace creator: fix to enable selecting by default the correct branch for base-repo when default-branch starts with "release/" instead of "version/"
- Default open Find in Files-dialog with workspace root-folder selected (instead of folder for base-repo)
- Safeup for Branches-control
- Enable setting release-info when uploading extensions
- Create new-dialog: Search for templates in entire workspace, not just under base-repo
- Enable log parsing for *TODO-files
- Fixes to the rs-file new-line-fixer
Version 2037.0
- Translation tool: Not treating comment as a language
- Always getting all languages even those missing in the rs file.
- Safeup for problem thrown by windows after update, "Cannot load Counter Name data because an invalid index" (needs to be fixed by running command "lodctr /r" as admin)
- Plugged memory leak in commandlogger
- Fixed problem with local branch names not being displayed in branch list under some conditions (when git has moved them to the packed-refs-file)
- Minor adjustment to label text
- Fixed the browse folder issue in extensionCreator where only folders inside of base were allowed.
Version 2037.0
- Build Central: added button that browses to the uploaded build on Dev Center after upload has completed
- Backup existing .cmws-file before it's saved
- Made it possible to create new extensions in extensions/custom folder.
- Made it only possible to create extensions in repos
Version 2035.1
- Extension upload dialog: Add warning when uploading an extension as "Critical Bug Fix"
Version 2035.0
- Added tool ExtensionList for displaying extensions and their dependencies
- Commit control: support for detecting checked out branch with issue-tag even if the tag has a suffix (description etc)
- Extension upload dialog: improvements and fixes to adding release info while uploading
- Translation import: Don't conform leading/trailing space/newlines for the status-column
- Developer studio: Prevent creating extensions in the wrong place
Version 2034.1
- Workspace editor: Fixed problem when blanking name
Version 2034.0
- Changed keyboard shortcut for deleting file from Ctrl+Delete to Shift+Delete and added a confirmation dialog always when deleting a file
- Fixed a tooltip
- Translation tool: Added warning when no files are created. Before, we did not pop the warning if there were any existing exports in the same folder.
- Translation tool: Fixed the missing filter input form
- New statuses for translation tool
- Added support for renamed origin everywhere in CET Operator
Version 2033.0
- Added a fix for the rename origin issue
- Build central: Trim any whitespace before/after the version number in the extension.xml-file when updating version (would previously prevent the version from being updated)
- Workspace editor: Made folder-column read only (can only be edited through the text box below the grid view)
- Commit dialog: Fixed case sensitivity bug when detecting branch from comment
- Translation export: changed the way to export rs files. Export reviewed or export not reviewed
- Translation import: Added status based on cell color in Excel
- Added missing check so that languages that are only missing status are not included when exporting
- Added filter checkboxes for the translation tool
Version 2031.0
- Commit dialog: fixed lag while typing comment that starts with bracketed branch-name
- Create Branch-dialog: don't close the dialog when creation of the branch fails or is cancelled
- Added "--tags"-parameter to "git push" to make sure tags are pushed
- Added another column for status
- Handle skip tags
Version 2026.5
- Improvements to the "Add release info"-feature when uploading extensions
- Build Central: minor UI fixes to upload dialog
Version 2026.3
- Build Central: support for adding release info during extension upload
Version 2025.1
- Added Translation Lookup-dialog! (accessible from emacs: Ctrl+X, Ctrl+Alt+R)
- Translation tool: added option to exclude languages when exporting to single file.
- cop make: Made "--printLastErrorsCompact" even more compact :)
Version 2025.1
- Commit dialog: Re-added the "Local commits"-button
Version 2025.0
- cop make: fixed a bug and suppressed printing of memory stats when using the "--printLastErrorsCompact"-argument
- cop upload: added /publishToVersion-argument to publish the uploaded extensions to a specific version/box after upload
- Create Branch-dialog: Visual bug fixes
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