You can further customize some Scheme behaviors by opening up the Scheme Settings dialog by:
A settings dialog will now show:
Here you can choose how the multiple schemes are shown:
- Horizontal
- Vertical
General save settings
If the "Auto-save My Schemes to default Save location" option is enabled, and when a drawing or the whole CET software is closed:
- you will be not prompted with a dialog to save your custom Schemes.
- your Schemes will automatically be saved into the Default save location directory.
By default, autosaving your Schemes is turned off.
If CET crashes before an autosave can be performed, any changes done after your Schemes are loaded will be lost.
embed settings
Automatically embed any custom Schemes to the drawing when:
- Symbols that use any Properties in the current active Scheme are inserted into the drawing.
- Properties of the current active Scheme are applied to Symbols in the drawing.
Learn more about embedding here.
This means other users or other computers who loads the drawing will also load your custom Schemes.
This is the same as the Auto-Embed switch found in the Scheme's dialog.
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