Properties in Scheme Managers are divided into sections to group together related properties:
You can expand or collapse sections by clicking on the black arrow to the left of the section name:
Edit properties
Some properties will have a drop-down menu or the option to browse. Click the "..." to browse available finishes or options for a given property in the Material Select dialog.
In this dialog you can find all standard options that a manufacturer has programmed into their Schemes. You also have the option to add a Customer's Own Material in the second tab at the top.
Copy properties
Click the double-arrow icon found at the end of some lines to fill out all properties with the same type of finish. For example, if you have chosen black for a paint finish in one cell, you can click the arrows to send the black to all other painted finishes where black is a valid option.
Choose Black paint finish and click the double-arrows
All other painted properties have Black selected
Search for property
Find specific properties by clicking the magnifying glass icon:
This filter will highlight properties that meet the criterion you select in the drop-down menu. Choose Keyword to type in a specific word you want highlighted. Choose Changed for any property that has been edited to be highlighted.
Change individual symbols
Double-click on a component in your drawing area to open a simplified version of your Scheme Manager displaying only properties that can be applied to the item you clicked. Editing the properties here only registers for the selected component, but you can click Show propagate tools to reveal the application tools allowing you to administer the changes to your entire drawing or to a selected group. Use the Advanced Selection tool that is also expanded to determine your selection.
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