This tool allow users to quickly compare between 2 different files without having to go through the process of the PDF Diff Test Tool and Order Export Test Tool.
The Compare Files tool uses another program called the Perforce P4Merge which is a free software that is not part of CET to determine the differences between both reference and test files.
- Click on 'Compare Files...'
- Select the 'Reference file' directory using the
The tool also supports image comparison however both the Reference file and the New file needs to be of the same file type eg, A.png and B.png or C.jpg and D.jpg. - Select the 'New file' directory using the
- Click on the 'Compare Files' button and the Perforce P4Merge dialog will appear. It will display the reference file on the left and the new file on the right with the differences highlighted.
Depending on the file types that are being compared, a different dialog will appear for easier comparison.
Text Comparison
Image Comparison
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