This tool has been developed to check the bound of all symbols in the drawing. Every symbol in CET has its local bound specified during its creation by the developer. This local bound may be different than the primitive bound which represents the minimum bound of the symbols 2D and 3D graphics. The tool can be used to ensure that the local bound of a symbol is correctly specified during its creation, so it won’t be oversized or undersized.
- Place the symbols that you wish to be tested into the drawing and open the Snapper Bound Test dialog.
Alternatively, you can use the tools from the right-side bar under the 'Insert From' section, to place all symbols from current component tab, all component tabs or symbols from multiple selected component tabs.
- Current Component Tab - Place all symbols from the current active component tab
- All Component Tabs - Place all symbols from all component tabs that are currently turned on
- Selected Component Tabs - Displays a list of all available component tabs for you to multi-select and insert all symbols from that selected tabs into the drawing
If you have added or removed symbols from the drawing, click on the 'Update' button on the right-side bar to update the list in the Snapper Bound Test dialog.
Clicking on 'Clear' will remove all symbols from the drawing and the Snapper Bound Test dialog. - The Snapper Bound Test dialog will be updated with the bound information of the symbols in the drawing. From the dialog, you may filter the visible columns to be displayed using the
There are 16 columns in total that can be customized to show or hide by using the Customize Columns button.
- Snappers - The name of the symbols that have been placed in the drawing
- W/D/H(Local) - The local bound of the symbol in Width, Depth and Height
- W/D/H(Primitive) - The primitive bound of the symbol in Width, Depth and Height
- LBound Time(ms) - The time needed to generate the bound
- x0(%) – z1(%) - The percentage difference in coordinates of the local and primitive bound for the symbol in width(x), depth(y) and height(z)
- x0(L/P) – z1(L/P) - The L indicates the local bound's coordinates while the P indicates the primitive bound's coordinates
Cell Colors
Symbols with percentage difference in local and primitive bound can be distinguished through 4 different cell colors.
- Green - 0-10% difference
- Yellow - 11-20% difference
- Red - More than 21% difference OR when the local bound coordinate falls inside the primitive bound, in other words, the local bound is smaller than the primitive bound
- Grey (N/A) - N/A in the Z coordinate indicates that the symbol has a flat graphical representation without a Z coordinate
Please be aware that the color of the cells indicate the differences of the local and primitive bound. It acts as a reference or recommendation for the tester and it does not indicate that the bound of a symbol is undoubtedly wrong. Some symbols may have its bound to be slightly bigger than the recommendation for specific purposes such as easier selection. E.g. Dimension line, 2D Lines. - You can then navigate to the symbol by double clicking on the symbol's name under the 'Snappers' column, which will bring the 2D and 3D view to the selected symbol.
You can also have the symbols selected in the drawing and check the 'Show Selection Only' option in the Snapper Bound Test dialog. This will update the dialog to only display the information of the selected symbols in the drawing.
- The results can then be exported to an Excel sheet by clicking on the 'Export to Excel' button. The Excel produced will follow the Filter and Customized Columns settings that were selected.
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