About the Bay Editor
The Bay Editor is used to predetermine the bay properties before placing products in the project. The benefits of using the Bay Editor include:
- Ability to customize and edit bay properties
- Apply updated bay properties directly in the drawing
- Save and load reusable templates
A bay is a set of stacked compartments between two uprights. A compartment is a space where pallets are stored and consist of the horizontal (beam) and vertical (upright) components.
Navigating the Bay Editor
To open, click Bay Editor in the Settings component section.
1. The Save button will save just the selected bay type. If you have multiple bay types, you must save each individually. Because these files are saved locally, they can be moved or shared. The Load button will allow you to browse for a previously saved bay style. A loaded file is listed in Types of Bay.
2. Types of Bay lists the loaded and drawing bay types. Selecting a bay type will preview it in the editing window.
- The button will add a new default bay type.
- The button will refresh the Bay Editor.
3. There are two properties tabs: Size and Level.
- The Size tab sets and shows bay measurements and allows you to change the number of Levels.
- The Level tab allows you to select a Level to change the Unit Load and Level Clearance.
4. The Editing Window is the area to make the changes to the selected bay type.
- The View Mode button on the bottom left allows you to select a view mode. Normal shows all components, Unit View allows you to select individual unit loads, and Unloaded view shows the bay without any units.
5. The Bay tool activates the selected bay type to be applied to a rack inside the drawing. Clicking on the Bay tool will temporarily close the Bay Editor. Press the ESC button on your keyboard to end the command and return to the Bay Editor window.
Create and Apply a New Bay
To CREATE a new bay type, follow these steps:
- Add a new bay type under Types of Bay
- Click the button to add an automated default bay
- Click the button to copy an existing bay type
- Enter the name or rename the bay type with the button
- Bay types can be renamed at any time
- Use the Size and Level tab to add/edit properties
- Save the bay type, if desired
To APPLY a NEW bay type, follow these steps:
- Click the Bay button to apply the selected bay type
- Select the desired bays to update
Use the Bay Editor to create and edit various bay types
Edit and Apply a Bay Type
To EDIT an existing bay type, follow these steps:
- If necessary, click Load to open an existing file
- Select the name of a bay type to edit
- Located under Types of Bays on the left-hand side
- Rename the bay type by clicking the button
- Click the button to copy an existing bay type
- Click the button to delete an existing bay type
- Use the Properties section to edit the settings information
- Click Save to save your changes
Use the Load button to edit the name/settings for an existing bay type
To APPLY an EDITED bay type, follow these steps:
- Select your desired bay under Types of Bays
- Click Bay in the lower right corner to apply
- Locate the bay you want to update
- Locate the bay then click to replace it with the new type
- Press the ESC key to exit the command and return to the Bay Editor
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