This is where you specify manufacturer data, resource directories, categories, price lists, and lead time programs.
A. Manufacturer
Go through the Manufacturer fields and enter your data. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. To manage multiple languages in the catalogue, you will have to select them one by one in the Languages drop down menu. You can then add language specific names and descriptions, which are effective throughout the entire catalogue.
Code*: a unique identifier or web domain, used to reference the manufacturer. Note that no spacing is allowed in the Code field and that the data should be written in the format CompanyNameWithoutSpacing.
Name*: simply the name of the manufacturer. In this field, spacing is allowed.
Description: the extended description of the manufacturer. Spacing is allowed.
Languages: lists the active languages for the catalogue. To manage multiple languages available in a catalogue, click to select or deselect a language in the list.
Units*: the unit of measurement to be used throughout the catalogue.
Date format: sets the text formatted form of dates when importing from or exporting to the OFDAxml format. Note that the date format should be set before importing a catalogue from OFDAxml for the first time.
B. Resource directories
This is where you specify the locations for various resources used by the catalogue. You can use sub-folders, for example creating a Materials folder containing the sub-folders Woods, Metals, Fabrics etc. Before you start creating a catalogue, prepare the following three directories either on your network drive or locally on your computer and then browse for them in the Resource directories fields:
Warning – using network drives is not recommended on slow and unstable networks or even for large projects with many files as it might slow down the process working in the creator.
Symbols directory*: contains a collection of models used by symbols (files of the .cm3D format).
Swatches directory*: contains a collection of swatches (image files of the formats .jpeg, .jpg, .png or .gm) used by materials.
Thumbnails directory*: will later contain the images you have created to be used as previews (image files in the formats: .jpeg, .jpg or.png) for materials and symbols.
C. Categories (optional)
In this section you can define your own categories. All default categories of CET are available in the Edit Products tab. Categories are used by CET in various ways, when it is appropriate to filter products by their type. Categorizing products determines in which view modes the product will be visible.
Top-level category: the most generic categorization. For many products, this may be all that is required to categorize it. These are automatically specified by CET and may not be edited or created.
Sub-level category: enables a more specific level of categorization. Some are provided by CET and may not be edited, but you can also add and change your own sub-categories. To create new sub-categories, click the Create Sub-Category button and fill out the code and description fields.
Code: a unique identifier for the sub-category. Note that the code must be unique within the scope of the top-level category, but not necessarily unique within the scope of all sub-categories, and that no spacing is allowed.
Description: an extended description of the sub-category. If multiple languages are active in the catalogue, the description may be specified in multiple languages. Spacing is allowed.
D. Price Lists
This is where you specify which price lists and currencies are supported throughout the catalogue. Existing price lists are selected in the drop-down menu at the top left of the window. New price lists are created by clicking the New Price List button to the right of the price lists drop down menu.
Code*: a unique identifier for the price list. No spacing is allowed.
Lookup code / tag: the code to be use by products and options when referencing this pricelist. Multiple price lists may have the same lookup code.
Description: an extended description of the price list. If multiple languages are active in the catalogue, the description may be specified in multiple languages. Spacing is allowed.
Currency*: the currency used by the price list. Your selection only affects the display of prices within the price list.
Currency rounding*: describes how prices within the price list are rounded. Just below is a preview showing how prices within the price list will be formatted.
Exchange rate / multiplier*: when the final pricing is calculated, all prices in the price list will be multiplied by this value. Note that this is cumulative with the exchange rate / multiplier or referenced price lists, as well as the exchange rate / multiplier set by product levels set in the product catalogues.
Effective date: the date that the price list is considered active / effective.
Expiration date: the date that the price list is considered inactive / expired.
E. Lead Time Programs (optional)
This is where you create and modify lead time programs to be used by the products, options and product catalogues of a catalogue. Existing lead time programs are selected in the drop down menu at the top left of the window. New lead time programs are created by clicking the Create Program button just to the right of the lead time programs drop-down menu and then filling out the code, days and description fields. You can select an existing lead program in the drop down menu and then click the Delete Program button to remove it.
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