Vendors are an optional feature for a project. Once vendors are enabled, additional controls are enabled throughout the creator to allow the assignment of vendors. For more information on assigning products, features, and leadtime programs to vendors, see the Products Spreadsheet, Features, and Leadtime Programs sections, respectively. For more general information on vendors, see the Vendors page.
- Use Vendors: Check this box to enable vendors on the project. A default vendor will be created. Unchecking this box will disable vendors for the project, and remove any vendors that currently exist. All of the following controls are only available if vendors are enabled.
- Vendor Selection: Select a vendor to work with. The Code, Name, and Description fields will populate to the information from the vendor.
- Create Vendor: This button will create a new vendor and select it for editing.
- Remove Vendor: This button will remove the current vendor from the project. Note that elements (such as product, features, etc.) cannot remain assigned to that vendor and remain in the project. When removing a vendor with these elements assigned to it, a message will prompt the user to either move the elements to a new vendor or remove them from the project.
- Code: A unique identifier for the vendor. If the user attempts to enter a code that is used by another vendor, the creator will add characters to the code to make it unique, before committing the change.
- Name A human-readable name for the vendor. Can be specified in multiple languages.
- Description: A human-readable description for the vendor. Can be specified in multiple languages.
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