This is where you specify catalogue data and, later on, organize the table of contents.
A. Catalogue Information
This is where you specify the details of the catalogue.
Code: a unique identifier for the product catalogue. Used internally to reference the catalogue. No spacing is allowed.
Name: the name of the product catalogue. If multiple languages are active in the catalogue, the name may be specified in multiple languages. Spacing is allowed.
Description: the extended description of the product catalogue. If multiple languages are active in the catalogue, the description may be specified in multiple languages. Spacing is allowed.
Version: additional text used to distinguish between different versions of the product catalogue.
Effective date: the date that the product catalogue is considered active/effective. This decides if a user will be able to see and select products from this catalog.
Active price lists: the price lists that will be available to products within the product catalogue.
Default price list: the default price list for any given product.
B. Table of Contents
After adding products to a catalogue, you need to create a table of contents (ToC). Drag and drop products to your table of contents. In order for your products to appear in the Catalogue Browser, this step must be completed.
The table of contents (ToC) is a tree structure that represents the different categories and products within a catalogue. To show all elements in the catalogue, press the Expand All button. To hide all but the top level elements in the catalogue, press the Close All button. To append a new level to the catalogue, highlight the level that the new level should be inserted into, then click the Add Level button. To remove an element from the catalogue, select it, and press the DEL or Delete key on your keyboard. Having a different product description in the Table of contents from the actual description in the Product card is allowed, to synchronize both the descriptions, click on a product level or a product in the Table of Contents then Reset Description.
In the All products window, which contains a list of all the products available to the catalogue, click a product and drag n’ drop it onto the correct folder in the Table of Contents window. You can select multiple items by pressing the Ctrl or Shift key and clicking, as usual in Windows based programs.
Products may filter by their part number and/or their description. To filter by the product’s code/part number, select the Product Code/Part Number check box. To filter by product descriptions, select the Product Description check box.
You can also decide to show all or just some products by selecting one of the options on the right: Show All, Show only used products or Show only unused products.
You can set the filter to either allow or disallow products, based on the text entered in the text field (if the text field is empty, the products will not be filtered in any way). To set the filter to allow or not allow, select the applicable from the drop down menu to the left of the text field.
Once you have a working Table of Contents with product level and products in it, right click on a product level to insert all products below to space and it shall place all products in that product area in the drawing area. Right click on a products in the Table of Contents to insert product below to space to place the particular product to the drawing area.
C. Edit Product Level
This is used to edit a level within a product catalogue. To begin, select an item from the tree in the Table of Contents window. You can then change the description, exchange rate/multiplier, currency rounding or UI level.
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