As a reminder, every CET release is staggered over a period of one week.
This means it could take up to a week before you're prompted to update to the newest version of CET.
You can find the planned release dates for extensions here.
This means it could take up to a week before you're prompted to update to the newest version of CET.
You can find the planned release dates for extensions here.
News & Changes
Photo Lab
- The Photo Lab now supports saving multiple rendered photos at the same time.
- When saving a rendered photo, CET will now suggest a file name based on the name of the photo.
- You can now also easily rearrange your photos by grabbing and dragging them left or right in the thumbnail list.
- The Temperature slider for Post processing now offers more dynamic realistic results. An option for automatic adjustment of temperature has also been added.
Material Explorer
- Materials built-into the Material Explorer have been converted to support Physically Based Rendering (PBR), for more realistic rendering results.
- The Batch Material Converter now supports converting materials to PBR, and a button for this has been added to the Material Lab as well.
- As of now, other custom materials imported into Material Explorer are not automatically converted into PBR materials.
- Please note that in order to fully benefit from PBR rendering technology, manufacturer materials need to be made PBR compatible.
- The RevLink Extension now supports Revit 2022.
- We have updated the icon for Blocks to follow a more modern look and style, which can be seen in multiple places in the UI:
- Frozen architectural doors now show their swing arc instead of just being reduced to a square.
- It is now possible to set up a keyboard shortcut for the Line tool.
- For users of the Kitchen & Bath Edition of CET, we are happy to inform that we have re-added the following tools and features: Categorization, Filter, and Work modes.
In addition, the following UI components are also back:
Follow 2D, 3D Follow selected in 2D, Detailed tooltips, and Snip to Paper View.
Fixes and Enhancements
Performance Improvements
- Further improved performance for the Scheme Manager and the Apply to all option, as a continuation of the improvements first implemented in 12.0 patch 1.
- Improved speed for copying and pasting of objects.
- Improved 3D performance for very large drawings (10 000+) objects.
- Improved performance when editing levels; CET should no longer appear to freeze up in some situations. This also addresses issues with unnecessarily large memory usage in those same situations.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue with Carpets and Coverings that could cause a crash when continuously deleting points from a carpet.
Bug Fixes
- Added a warning message for DisplayLink-based USB docks, as these can force CET to switch to Software mode. The warning message also has a link to a support page offering possible solutions for this type of problem.
- Fixed problem with the Movement Aid tool that could cause its Quick Properties box to show up centered at the top of the 2D view, rather than staying at the location of the main property box.
- Fixed problem with the Scheme dialog that could cause contents to flicker each time a new material was selected from a dropdown.
- Fixed problem with the Scheme dialog that could cause architectural Windows to become filled in
when applying materials to a hidden level. - Fixed problem with the Scheme Manager and the Pick tool that could cause picked values to not be retained after restarting CET.
- Fixed problem with the Scheme Manager and the Pick tool that could cause the tool to not correctly display when objects were not compatible.
- Fixed problem with the Scheme Manager that could cause material thumbnails to show the icon for not downloaded, even though the material had been correctly downloaded.
- Fixed problem with materials for some objects that could cause the materials to change color seemingly at random when loading a Favorite containing that object.
- Fixed problem with the Flip tool that could cause the selection box to become invisible when flipping a large number of objects.
- Fixed problem with the Mirror tools and Blocks that could cause Catalogue objects to lose some of their snapping points.
- Fixed problem with the Mirror tools that could cause objects created through mirroring to be created in the wrong Collaboration section.
- Fixed problem with Dimensions placed in Paper View, that could cause them to become visible after export to DWG, even though they had been set to not be visible in Print.
- Fixed problem with Dimensions that caused them to not automatically pick up the correct Category for the View Mode they were placed in.
- Fixed problem with the Visibility Settings dialog, during the creation of new View modes, that would cause long names to get cut off even when there was plenty of space left in the dialog.
- Fixed problem with Edit Graphics that could leave some buttons in an enabled state, as though an edited object was selected, even when switching to an entirely new drawing.
- Fixed problem with the notification dialog for warning about missing licenses, that would cause the Log out button to be disabled.
- Fixed problem with the Material Pack Extension that could prevent it from downloading its materials.
- Fixed problem with quick property boxes that could cause a gray box to be drawn around them.
- Fixed problem with quick property boxes for objects in Read-only Collaboration Sections that could make it possible to still edit those objects, which could result in lost data.
- Fixed problem with RevLink export that could cause the glass to turn gray instead of staying transparent.
- Fixed problem with Papers that could prevent text from being repositioned, even though the paper was in edit mode.
- Fixed problem with Papers that could cause 2D View clips to lose track of their target areas when loading a drawing.
- Fixed problem with Papers that could cause the 2D of imported DWG objects to not be visible in View clips with a black and white add-on.
- Fixed problem that would prevent the Search function in CET from working for any language settings except English.
- Fixed problem with SketchUp that would prevent export from working if your Windows user account name contained Chinese or Japanese characters.
- Fixed problem with SketchUp and objects with custom graphics or view modes that would cause the export filter to not work correctly.
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