Once you have placed a chain dimension, you can make edits to customize the details. You can use the stretch nodes to adjust the size of the overall dimension, size of the segments, and placement of the dimension text. You can also edit, add, merge, and remove segments to customize the tool. To do so, you will need to enter Edit dimension mode, choose the type of change you'd like to make, then edit away!
Using Stretch Nodes
Use the yellow stretch nodes to edit the size of your dimension segments, the height of the line, or the placement of the Main text to place it above, in the middle of, or below the dimension line.
Stretch the length of each segment
Stretch the height of the line
Move dimension text above, in the middle of, or below the dimension line
Edit Dimension Mode
To enter Edit mode, double-click on the dimension, or right-click and select Edit dimension from the context menu.Once in Edit mode, a quick properties box will appear where you can choose to Edit (add text or edit the length), Add, Merge, or Remove a segment. Click on one of these options in the Edit type line, or use the Space bar on your keyboard to move between these options. Hover over the segment you would like to edit.
Add Text
You can add text to individual segments of a chain dimension when you are in Edit mode.
To add text to a segment:
- Double-click the chain dimension, or right-click and select Edit dimension from the context menu.
- Use the Space bar on your keyboard to move through the Edit Type line options in the quick properties box and select Edit.
- Hover your cursor over the segment which you wish to edit.
- Use the Tab key on your keyboard to move to the Text line in the quick properties.
- Type in your desired text for the selected segment.
- Move your cursor to another segment you would like to edit.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape Edit mode.
Edit Length
There are two ways to edit the length of a segment in your chain dimension after it has been placed.
Option 1:
Use the yellow stretch nodes at the bottom of each segment.
- Left-click and drag one of the stretch nodes to begin stretching a segment.
- Drag your cursor to the desired length, or, while holding down your left mouse button, type a specific distance in the quick properties to get an exact measurement.
- Release your cursor when your segment is at the desired length.
Option 2:
In Edit Mode, use the quick properties to specify the length of a segment.
- Double-click the chain dimension, or right-click and select Edit dimension from the context menu.
- In the green quick properties box, use the Space bar on your keyboard to move through the Edit Type line and select Edit.
- Move your cursor over the segment which you wish to edit.
- Use your Tab key on your keyboard to move to the next line.
- Sub-Length to set exact distance of the segment which is highlighted in blue.
Enter the Total Length to set the distance from the very beginning of your chain dimension to where the selected segment should end. The new distance of the selected segment is then automatically calculated - Left-click or hit Enter on your keyboard to finish the length change.
- Move your cursor on to another segment you would like to edit.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape Edit mode.
Add Segment
In the Edit Type line, use the Add function to insert a new segment on either end of a chain, or in the middle:
- Double-click the chain dimension, or right-click and select Edit dimension from the context menu.
- In the green quick properties box, use the Space bar on your keyboard to move through the Edit Type line options and select Add.
- Move your cursor along the chain dimension to where you wish to insert a new segment break.
- If needed, type a distance into the Sub-Length line, which will set the distance from the beginning of the segment within which your cursor is hovering.
- Segments can be added anywhere along the chain, before the beginning of the chain, or onto the end of the chain.
- Left-click to place the added segment.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape Edit mode.
Multiple segments in a chain dimension can be combined together to form one larger segment.
- Double-click the chain dimension, or right-click and select Edit dimension from the context menu.
- In the green quick properties box, use the Space bar on your keyboard to move through the Edit Type line options and select Merge.
- Move your cursor between segments in the chain dimension until the segments you wish to combine are both highlighted in green.
- Left-click or hit Enter on your keyboard to merge the two selected segments.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape the command.
There are two ways to delete a segment from the chain which splits the chain into multiple, separate dimensions or chain dimensions.
Option 1:
Use the Remover tool from the 2D or 3D toolbar to remove a segment of a chain dimension.
- Select the Remover tool from the 2D or 3D toolbar:
- Move the cursor to the drawing area and hover at the center of the chain dimension. The red X will snap to the center and the dimension will turn red.
- You now have two options:
- Clicking at this stage will remove the entire chain dimension.
- To only remove a segment, select the Remove segments option in the green properties box by pressing the Space bar on your keyboard. You can now move the cursor along the chain dimension to remove specific segments:
Option 2:
- Double-click the chain dimension, or right-click and select Edit dimension from the context menu.
- In the green quick properties box, use the Space bar on your keyboard to move through the Edit Type line and select Remove.
- Move your cursor between segments in the chain dimension until the segment you wish to delete is highlighted in red.
- Left-click or hit Enter on your keyboard to delete the selected segment.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape Edit mode.
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