Use the publish card to upload your catalogue to the server.
In the Portfolios tab, you can choose to upload to a new portfolio or an existing portfolio that has administration rights too.
Portfolios tab in Publish card.
New Portfolios:Used to create new portfolios; portfolios are a means of controlling access to a project and getting the unique catalogue/portfolio id. The following dialog will be shown once you click on the button, key in the portfolio name and Catalogue Key from Catalogue Creator in Marketplace if you haven’t already gotten one. You can reuse the same Catalogue Key for future new portfolio creation. The generated Catalogue Key comes with its own label, usually the name of the manufacturer. Once created, the new portfolio will be opened in a new tab with a catalogue/portfolio id assigned to it.
Delete Portfolio: Deletes the portfolio from the server for good. The operation cannot be undone, use with caution! Use of the delete operation requires the same Catalogue Key that creates the portfolio. - Refresh Portfolio List: Refresh and listing of portfolio(s) which you have administrator rights to.
Search: Search works for catalogue code, db3 name, catalogue/portfolio id, portfolio description, and portfolio name. Portfolios that match the search will be highlighted.
- Open Portfolio: Select one of the portfolio then click Open Portfolio button to open the portfolio in a new tab.
Double-clicking: on a selected portfolio will open the portfolio in a new tab.
Selecting Portfolio: The portfolios are grouped by Catalogue Key in alphabetical order and are further sort by the portfolio’s parent in a tree view. Opening multiple tabs/portfolios is allowed.
Use the publish card to upload your catalogue to the server.
Opened Portfolio in tab
Portfolio Details: The properties of the portfolio.
- Publish: Sets the accessibility of the projects in the portfolio. Members-only means that only the members specified in the Members section will have access to the project. The All option will unlock the access to any user unless the project is embedded in an extension. If the project is embedded, then the access of the project is tied to the license of the extension.
- Project Type: Sets a restriction on how a catalogue item should be accessible for the user: Graphical Products will allow the user to insert the items in a drawing, Picklist only restricts items to be specified as line items only and Materials Only will not be selectable by the user and will not include any products.
- License: Links the project with an Extension license, project in the portfolio is only accessible for users with Extension license. (Disabled if Publish is set to Members-only; enabled if Publish is set to All)
- Earliest Visible CET Version: Sets the earliest visibility of the project in relation to CET version number. The project is only visible for users using CET with a version number that is greater or equal to the entered version number.
- Last Visible CET Version: Sets the latest visibility of the project in relation to CET version number. The project is only visible for users using CET with a version number that is lesser or equal to the entered version number.
- Save Portfolio: Save the portfolio details/settings after changes are made.
Last Modified: The last modified date of the Portfolio Details.
Utilizing the settings of Publish and Members -
Pull emails from outlook global list: Connects to your signed-in outlook and access the user’s email from there, select to add users to your portfolio
- Members: List the members of the portfolio.
- Administrators have full access to the portfolio and may edit and even delete the portfolio. Users will have visibility of the portfolio but no rights.
- Refresh: Refreshing the Member list.
- Copy All Emails: Copy all email addresses available on the member list.
- Delete Members: To remove a member, first select the user’s email address in the Members section, then press the Delete member button to remove the user from the list. The operation cannot be undone, use with caution!
- Expand button: Click to show the member list in a separate dialog along with a filter.
Files – Local
Indicates the files used in the selected project file.
Select Project: Upload project file (xml, db3) with the Upload Project File button. Current project is automatically loaded when a new portfolio in opened. You can choose to upload another project by selecting project from the drop down.
Products that are not assigned with categories in the Products card will be warned from uploading.
Filters in headers: Right click on the header to filter files.
– Ignore case: Checking means case insensitive search, unchecking means case sensitive.
– Contains: Filter items that contain the search keyword.
– Doesn’t Contain: Filter items that do not contain the search keyword.
– Equals: Filter items that exactly match the search keyword.
– Doesn’t Equal: Filter items that do not match the search keyword.
– Begins With: Filter items that starts with the search keyword.
– Ends With: Filter items that ends with the search keyword.
Unfiltered vs Filtered. -
Sorting: left click on arrow in the header to sort ascending and descending.
- Upload checkbox: Manually select resource files to be uploaded with Upload Selected Files button. You could also filter by any of the columns and use Check all button to upload selected files.
- Target: Indicates catalogue id of the portfolio as it shows where the project file/resource files will be uploaded to. You will have two different targets if you have Portfolio Parent setup. You can change the target to the Parent Portfolio by clicking on the arrow down button. Note that if you do not have administrator rights to the Parent Portfolio you will not be allowed to upload to do that.
- File Name: List of resource files that are used in the project file.
File Status: Default status is “Unknown” until you click on the Compare server/local timestamps to compare between the files in local drive and the uploaded files in the server. There is five statuses:
– Unreadable: Indicates that the files are used in the project file but was not available in the Resource Directories defined in the Project card. Uploading unreadable files is not allowed and a warning message will be prompt.
– Up to Date: The local files and the uploaded server files are having the same timestamps.
– Out of Date: The local files and the uploaded server files are not having the same timestamps.
– Unknown: Default status before checking is made.
– Not On Server: The file is not uploaded to the server yet. -
File Type: Checks and shows the type of resource files available in selected the project file.
- Modified: Shows the last modified date of the file in the server.
- Refresh/Reset: Refresh and reset the File status to its Unknown State and updates the resource files of the project file if there are any changes made to it.
- Check/Uncheck all: Checks or unchecks all of the Upload checkbox in the local spreadsheet.
- Invert Selection: Inverts the current selection of the Upload checkbox.
- Compare server/local timestamps: Checks the timestamps of local resource files against the files in the server of the current portfolio.
- Put Files to Archive and Upload: Bulk upload all files in a zip format hence download speed will improve drastically • This, however, requires the user to have all files on the server before archiving the files.
Upload Selected files: Upload all checked files in the Local spreadsheet.
An upload project warning dialog has been created to warn users on uploading not validated files. Several messages are used to warn users of the file status :
- OK: The file did not violate any validation task.
- Proceed with caution: Symbol file exceeded allowable polygon budget in an acceptable range, use Mesh data validation task to verify.
- Validation Not Run: Symbol file that has not run Mesh Data validation task will fail this.
Upload Blocked (large model): Projects that failed any of these validation tasks will be barred from uploading until they are fixed :
- Model too large, symbol file exceeded 10 times the allowable polygon budget, will not be allowed to upload until the symbol passed the Mesh Data validation task.
Do refer to these articles find out how to reduce the model size:
- Tutorial 7: Typical Workflow
- Tutorial 8: Batch Converter
- Common Model Problems
However, if you would still want to go through with uploading a large model, contact our support team for help. - Feature loop
- No product catalogue name
- No manufacturer name
- No manufacturer code
- Model too large, symbol file exceeded 10 times the allowable polygon budget, will not be allowed to upload until the symbol passed the Mesh Data validation task.
- Unreadable Files: Files are not readable based on the Resources directories set in Project card.
Files – Server
Indicates the files uploaded to the portfolio in the server.
- Download Location: Select the local directory you would like to download the files from the server to.
Filters in headers: Right-click on the header to filter files.
– Ignore case: Checking means case insensitive search, unchecking means case sensitive.
– Contains: Filter items that contain the search keyword.
– Doesn’t Contain: Filter items that do not contain the search keyword.
– Equals: Filter items that exactly match the search keyword.
– Doesn’t Equal: Filter items that do not match the search keyword.
– Begins With: Filter items that starts with the search keyword.
– Ends With: Filter items that ends with the search keyword. - Download checkbox: Select files to be downloaded by manually checking the files, or, use filters to get the batch of files you want and use the Check all button to download all.
- File Name: Filename of the uploaded files in the server. If you have a Portfolio Parent setup, the inherited files from the parent will be shown in blue.
Cid: Indicates which portfolio the uploaded files are stored. If you have a Portfolio Parent setup, the parent’s portfolio/catalogue id will be shown.
File Type: Shows the file extension of the uploaded files, filter is according to the type of files available in the server.
- Last Modified: The last uploaded date of the file.
- Refresh/Reset: Manually updates the files in the server.
- Check all/Uncheck all: Checks or unchecks all of the Download checkbox in the server spreadsheet.
- Invert Selection: Inverts the current selection of the Download checkbox.
Delete Selected Files: Deletes selected files from the server. Either select files manually by clicking on each file in the Download checkbox or use filter to batch select files with Check all button. A separate delete dialog will be prompt before proceeding to delete the selected files permanently from the server. The operation cannot be undone, use with caution! Deleting Portfolio Parent files are possible provided you are also the administrator of the parent portfolio.
Final confirmation when deleting files. -
Download Selected Files: Download all checked server files in the spreadsheet. Either select files manually by clicking on each file in the Download checkbox or use filter to batch select files with Check all button to download multiple files.
Transfer window
Transfer window in a portfolio
Supports different transfers (delete, upload, download) simultaneously but the same type of transfer (upload and delete transfer types) can only be done sequentially. While a task is in progress, the upload and delete tasks will be queued until the current task is done. Download transfer type is, however, is unrestricted but will not start until the Downloader gets to it. To check for all download progress, click the Show button to show the Downloader dialog.
The downloader is hidden by default on the CET header
Click the Show button to show downloader/file transfers dialog.
Right-click on the transfer in Progress column allows you to Remove Completed jobs or Abort any in-progress transfers.
Setting up a material portfolio as parent portfolio
Creating the material portfolio
- Create a new portfolio (“Catalogue Conference” in this example) and set the project type to “Materials only (Required embedded registration)“.
- Update License to your manufacturer license so everyone who has the license will have access to this material portfolio.
Uploading materials to material portfolio
- Create another portfolio (in this case “sketchUpModelsTesting“) and set the material portfolio as the parent portfolio.
- This will make sketchUpModelsTesting portfolio the child portfolio.
- Upload only project files, previews, and symbols to the child portfolio.
- Upload only materials to the parent portfolio to create sharing material resources amongst child portfolios.
- Users will download content from both portfolios to their local machines.
Relationship of child-parent portfolios shown in the portfolio page
Downloading from both portfolios
Uploading only materials to the material portfolio and other resources to child portfolios.
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