Using the Camera section, found in the Photograph Setup area in Photo Lab, is a way of limiting what is visible in the rendering view.
- By moving the Clipping slider further to the right, you will effectively cut out objects and surroundings that are closer to the camera. This distance is controlled by the slider. The more you move the slider to the right, the more contents around the edges are cut out.
- The Perspective slider works like zoom. By moving the slider further to the right, more of the drawing is included in the image, just like zooming out with a regular camera.
You can also change the perspective by rolling your scroll wheel on your mouse forward or backward. - The Elevation slider adjusts the camera height, where a zero value means that the camera is placed on the floor. Elevation is measured in actual dimensions (meters or feet and inches, based on what distance unit you have selected in the Region Tab of your Control Panel.)
You can also change the elevation when you holding down Ctrl and dragging your scroll wheel on your mouse! - The Pitch slider controls the camera angle, i.e. if the camera is directed upwards or downwards. A value of -70 degrees (minimum) means looking straight down; a value of 90 degrees (maximum) means looking straight up. Average pitch is between 6-9.
You can also adjust the pitch by holding down Ctrl and dragging your right-mouse button!
Besides clicking and dragging the slider, you can also enter specific numerical values in the field to the right of each slider.
Camera settings
For high control over clipping components in your rendering, use the 3D clipping tool found in Photo Lab, the 3D component tab, and in the 2D toolbar.
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