Downloading the Symbol Library Extension from the Marketplace will add a component tab to CET that contains folders with electrical and architectural symbols that you can place in your 2D drawing view. These North American symbols follow Architectural Graphics Standards and are provided for user benefit and clarification. Note that they are not included in Calculations. There is also a generic elevation tool and a Legend box.
Place Symbols
To place a symbol in your drawing, follow these steps:
- Go to the Symbol Library component tab.
- Open a folder and select the symbol.
- Move the mouse pointer to the drawing area and click the symbol in place. Symbols will snap to walls, lines, and AutoCAD lines. Look for “On curve” in the yellow help text so that you are placing the symbol along the edge of a line.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape the command.
- Use the properties box to change the size or add text to the symbol. Here, you can also change the symbol to any other from the same folder.
Elevation View
Use the Elevation tool to create an elevation view of 3D objects in the drawing.
To place an elevation view:
- Select the Elevation View Area tool in the Symbol Library component tab.
- Move your cursor the the drawing view. Click-and-drag your left mouse button to draw a rectangle around the area you would like to show in your elevation. Alternatively, you can place two left-clicks to place the rectangle.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape the command.
- Double click the Elevation symbol, or right-click and select Update elevation from the context menu. Wait for the elevation to render in the 2D drawing view.
- Use the yellow stretch points to adjust the size of the elevation area, thus altering what will be included. There is also a yellow rotation point at the center of the box to change the view direction. Drag the stretch node over the elevation symbol to move the symbol to another side of the rectangle.
- Select the elevation symbol to change its name, size, and other settings:
- Once the elevation view is rendered, click on the elevation to access the properties box and change the visibility or label alignment, and add break lines as needed:
Placing and Editing a Legend
After you have placed symbols, you can also add a legend to keep track of the meaning of the symbols. To do so, follow these steps:
- In the Symbol Library component tab, select the Legend component from the Tools section.
- Move the mouse pointer to the drawing area and click the legend in place. It automatically lists all the symbols in your drawing.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape the command.
You can edit a legend by adding text, new symbols, reorganizing, etc.
To do so, follow these steps:
- Double-click on it in the 2D drawing view, or right-click on a legend and select Custom Symbols Note Editor from the context menu.
- Double-click in a cell to change the text for a header or a symbol name.
- Click
to insert a row beneath the selected row.
- Use the eye-dropper to select symbols from the drawing for new lines.
- To hide a row from the legend in your drawing, uncheck the Display row box.
- Add new sections by checking "Set as Header"
- Select a line, then left-click and drag to re-arrange the order of your symbols.
Placing a Picklist
You can add a picklist for special products to be added to the Calculation. To add a picklist, follow these steps:
- In the Symbol Library component tab, select the Picklist component from the Tools section.
- Move the mouse pointer to the drawing area and click the picklist in place.
- Once you are finished, hit Esc on your keyboard, or move your cursor outside of the drawing area to escape the command.
- Double-click the picklist to open the Product Information Dialog where you can add Special Articles.
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