You can use the Unite and Detach tools to group and ungroup meshes from different components. Detaching a group of meshes will result in freestanding meshes that can be modified. Functionality then only remains for the original component but is lost in new components.
United meshes either create a new component or are added to an existing component which contains information such as pricing, product info, and options. Perhaps you have copied the handles on a pedestal and added them to a pedestal that you have edited. After making the modifications, you can create a unit of that pedestal along with the handles.
To unite meshes, follow these steps:
- Click the Make editable button and the click the components that you wish to modify. The components turn yellow and are now editable.
- Make sure that the Single mesh select button is selected.
- Click to select the meshes that you want to unite. You can select multiple meshes by pressing down the Ctrl key and clicking each mesh. Selected meshes turn yellow:
- Click the Unite button. The Group to dialog box opens. To keep the snap points and product information from the original object, select it from the list, or you can select New snapper. If you select New snapper, there will be no product or snapping information attached to the symbol.
- Make your selection in the Group to dialog and click OK. The meshes have now been united according to your selection:
To break apart a combination of meshes, you need to use the Detach tool. This will result in freestanding meshes that can be modified.
To detach a unit, follow these steps:
- Click the Single mesh select button to switch to single mesh select mode.
- Click to select the mesh or meshes that you want to detach. You can select multiple meshes by pressing down the Ctrl key and clicking each mesh. Selected meshes turn yellow:
- Click the Detach button.
- The unit is broken apart to separate meshes which can be modified.
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