Next to the Dashboard tab you’ll find the Extension tab. Clicking this will take you to the Extension Analytics page:
Here an extension owner can run queries on specific ways a user interacts with and uses their extension. It allows extension owners and developers to visualize the data collected from everyday use of CET.
Using the available filters, users can get metrics on a number of events that occurred during the user-specified time frame, visualized in a line graph (but also available for export).
Some example user interactions you could query:
- How many times a certain Scheme dialog has been opened
- How many users click a specific library tab
- How many times “Chair A” has been inserted into a drawing
- and so on
After you fill out all fields, click “Generate Result” to see results displayed in a graph format below the inputs section. For more specific information on how to fill out each input field, see below.
Query Values and Legibility
Query values are shown using the exact, technical keys an extension’s code uses to log them, so some data might not be intuitive to read if you’re not familiar with an extension’s code behind-the-scenes. In this case, query creation might be best suited to a developer, who can then save the query under a clear and logical name for others to use and run.
Configura will soon be releasing this ability to set up saved queries under more human-readable names. Once a query is saved, it can then be used by anyone with access to an extension’s analytics.
Input fields
An “action” is a unique category of interactions a user can have with your extension.
Current actions monitored by Configura by default include:
- snapper_insert: A snapper has been inserted into a drawing
- snapper_select: A snapper has been selected in a drawing
- toolbox_click: A toolbox (synonyms: library, toolbox) has been clicked
- dialog_show: A dialog window has appeared
- dialog_hide: A dialog window has been closed or minimized
- Custom actions added by developers will also appear in this dropdown
Example: Custom action “refresh” being logged by Fika every time someone refreshes the Fika Panel Manager
More default actions will be added by Configura over time.
Use the Query section to narrow the metrics down to something more specific than just an action.
Default subcategories include:
- Snapper (filter results to information about snappers)
class_pkg: Filter by the package a snapper’s class is defined in. Example: Show info for snappers defined in Fika Office
class_name: Filter by a snapper’s class name. Example: Show info for Fika 90 degree corner worksurfaces
entity_key: Filter by a developer’s custom entity key. (See Overriding the Entity Key for Developers)
- Data Symbol (information about catalog data)
cid: Filter by a portfolio ID number
product_catalog_code: Filter by a product catalog code
enterprise_code: Filter by an enterprise code
- CIL Data (information about CIL data)
- enterprise code: Filter by an enterprise code
Query Period
Under Query Period, supply the desired time frame to include results from.
Under Interval, specify how often you want a data point pulled from that time frame.
Example: If I specify “Last 30 Days” and “Daily”, I’ll see 30 data points on my graph:
If I choose the same time period but choose weekly, I’ll get 5 data points on my graph:
Result Grouping
Under “Result Grouping” you can choose how to group (or separate) your results.
Example: Here are two different ways of grouping results for the Fika Office 90 degree corner worksurface + the Fika Office panel.
First I'll separate results based on what package they came from. In this case, the results are collected under the same results line because they both came from the same package,
However, if I group by class_name, then the results get split by class name and I get two result trends:
Dropdown Pre-Population
Typing in the Input field will trigger a popup with a list of dropdown values for extension owners to choose from. The dropdown is only populated by values that are relevant to this manufacturer, so an extension owner from Manufacturer A will not see suggestions for Manufacturer B’s extension data (class names, custom events, etc.).
Multiple Query Options
Extension owners can limit the result to only a few data points that they’re interested in. In the example below, the query has been limited to solely look at the snapper inserts of all Essential MH extensions, while filtering out inserts from all other Configura owned extensions.
Tabular Results
By default, results are sorted in descending order (highest count at the top, lowest count at the bottom). Clicking on the table header will reverse the sort. Choose “All” under Interval for better overview of all time data.
CSV Exports
Users can export the results (for both graph and tabular views) in CSV format, allowing them to further analyze the data in Microsoft Excel or other tools.
Custom Metrics
If you’d like to see metrics on user extension interactions that are not recorded by Configura’s default logging, a developer can add them to an extension’s code. See Developing for Extension Analytics.
Data Privacy
Each extension automatically logs metrics as users interact with an extension, and their usage information is recorded and sent to Configura servers.
User usage information is kept anonymous according to GDPR privacy standards.
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