Dashboard Analytics provides an overview of an extension’s health and spread. It can be accessed via the first tab of the Analytics page.
On the top half of this page you'll find a section of overall statistics. This section is comprised of information regarding:
- Extension User Count Ranking
- Total User Count
- Monthly Extension Stability Ranking
- Current CIL User Count
- Current CIL User Count Ranking
The statistics in Dashboard are dependent on your selections in ⚙️Preference. Certain sections may not be visible if they're not applicable to the selected options.
Extension User Count Ranking
This ranking is calculated based on the number of unique users with at least one extension from the selected manufacturer.
If the same user installs three extensions published by the selected manufacturer, it will only count as 1 User.
Unique users will be tallied. Based on this value, a manufacturer will be sorted into ten buckets and ranked (example rankings: Top 10%, Top 50%, Bottom 50%, Bottom 10%) in comparison to user counts from other manufacturers in the industry.
The table below shows how the manufacturer's tier is decided:
- Higher (i.e., Top 10%) means more Users
- Lower (i.e., Bottom 10%) means fewer Users
Example: If a manufacturer is ranked number 34 out of 253 total manufacturers, the ranking value would be 34/253 = 13.4%, so this manufacturer is in the top 20% bucket.
Total User Count
This number considers the number of unique users who have installed at least one extension from the selected manufacturer.
Example: If a user installs 3 extensions from Manufacturer A, it will only count as 1 User.
There are some additional criteria for an installation to be counted:
- The user must have a verified MyConfigura account
- The user must have a valid CET license
- If the extension requires approval, approval must have been given
The pie chart shows the ratio of users for the selected manufacturer to the total number of users within the relevant CET Industry.
Example: If a Commercial Interiors manufacturer has 1,000 Users and the CET Commercial Interiors industry has 14,000 Users, the proportion would be 1,000/14,000 (or 7.1%).
Monthly Extension Stability Ranking
This ranking reflects the stability of extensions from the selected manufacturer. It considers the number of crashes reported by end-users across all associated Sentry projects for this manufacturer.
Crashes are reported when an error dialogue appears in CET and the user chooses to send the error report.
The ranking value is normalized to ensure a fair comparison between manufacturers with varying user bases. This is done by dividing the total number of crashes by the number of unique users with at least one extension from this manufacturer.
Example: Manufacturer A has 100 users and has had 300 crashes across all its extensions over the last month. The ranking value used for comparison would be 300/100 = 3 crashes per user.
Manufacturer B has 50 users and has had 300 crashes across all its extensions over the last month. The ranking value will be 300/50 = 6 crashes per User.
A higher crash-per-user ratio (Bottom 10%) indicates lower stability, while a lower crash-per-user ratio (Top 10%) indicates higher stability.
Current CIL User Count
This ratio indicates the proportion of users with at least one CIL catalogue installed from this manufacturer compared to the total user base within Notify.
Only unique users are counted. Thus, if a user installs multiple CIL catalogues by the same manufacturer, they are counted only once.
Example: 1,000 users have installed at least one CIL catalogue from a manufacturer, and 20,000 users have been using Notify. The CIL user ratio for this manufacturer would be 1,000 / 20,000 (or 5%).
Current CIL User Count Ranking
This ranking reflects the popularity of a manufacturer's CIL catalogue among users. It considers the number of unique users who have installed at least one CIL catalogue published by this manufacturer.
Multiple catalogue installations by the same user will only count as 1 User.
Example: If a manufacturer is ranked 50th out of 501 total manufacturers, their ranking value would be 9.98% (50 / 501). This would place them in the Top 10% tier.
A higher ranking (Top 10%) indicates that a larger portion of users use the manufacturer's CIL enterprises, while a lower ranking (Bottom 10%) indicates a smaller user base.
Below the overview section you'll find a variety of trend graphs (highlighted in green below).
Extension Installation Trend
The extension installation trend graph shows how many times a particular extension was installed and uninstalled over a chosen period.
- Green line: Represents how many times the extension was installed.
- Red line: Represents how many times the extension was uninstalled.
The following criteria need to be met to count as an extension install:
- The user must have a verified MyConfigura account
- The user must have a valid CET license
- If the extension requires approval, approval must have been given
The following criteria count as an extension uninstallation:
- When the user's extension license expires
- When the user's CET license expires
- When the extension license gets revoked from a user with a valid installation
What about Sub-Extensions?
A sub-extension is considered part of its main extension, rather than a separate extension of its own. The installation of the main extension is all that will be counted, regardless of which sub-extensions a user has or doesn’t have.
Extension Stability
This section helps you identify errors your users are facing with your extension. These errors are reported to a system called Sentry, which the developers of your extension are likely already monitoring.
- Total Crashes: This shows the total number of crashes users have experienced over a chosen period.
Top 5 Crash Recurrences: This list shows the specific errors users encounter most often. It includes:
- The extension that is causing the error, and
- The number of occurrences
By understanding these errors, developers can work to fix them and improve your extension's stability.
CI Library Installation Trend
This section will only be visible to manufacturers who have published libraries on Notify. If you're a CI manufacturer, you can use our Library format, which works for the CIL Extension in CET and Spec (our quotation solution).
The graph shows how many times the selected library was installed and uninstalled on Notify during the chosen period.
- Green line: Represents the number of times the library was installed.
- Red line: Represents the number of times the library was uninstalled.
User Distribution
This interactive map highlights the top 5 countries currently using your extension. It provides a visual representation of your user base.
How It Works
- User data: The map logs the number of unique users who have logged in within the past 30 days and have a valid license to the selected extension.
- Color coding: Countries with higher installation volumes are shaded in darker orange, making it easy to spot your most active regions.
- Interactive features: Hover over any country to see the percentage of installations relative to your total user base.
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