Hotfix 2: December 6, 2023
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue with creation of Papers in the Paper View that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with Collaboration and creation of new Papers that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with the Catalogue downloader that could in rare cases cause it to crash during startup.
Hotfix 1: November 29, 2023
Changes and Updates
The Clean up drawing tool is now available to everyone.
This tool lets you check your drawing for unwanted or unused data, such as images, materials or DWG files, and remove them to save on memory usage and potentially improve drawing performance.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue with the Essential Deep Racking Extension that could cause a crash when renaming the Load Unit.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem that could cause CET to needlessly refresh the Component tabs several times after starting the program
- Fixed problem with Customer's Own Materials that could cause the COM to be retained in the drawing even though it had been deleted.
- Fixed problem with the Fika Extension that could cause COMs to go missing after saving and loading the drawing.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library that could cause materials to only apply as white.
- Fixed problem with the What's New option in the Help menu that would incorrectly send Chinese users to the English webpage.
- Fixed problem with automatic generation of scheme previews for the Kitchen & Bath edition that could, in rare cases, result in duplicate previews by incorrect reuse of the previous image.
We remind you that this is a staggered release, which means it could take up to a week before you are prompted to update to the new version.
CET 14.5 Major: November 20, 2023
All Editions News & Changes
Updates to Photo Lab
- The Photo Lab sees the addition of an option to “lock” the visible objects in the view to prevent accidental moving or editing.
- The Render Quality settings in Advanced mode in the Photo Lab now let you control the distance from the camera at which objects are forced to use their highest LOD state (most detailed appearance).
- In Advanced mode in the Photo Lab, the old Show settings option for Render quality has been renamed to Advanced settings and given several UI tweaks to make the controls easier to work with.
Old look New look - A new HDR version of the White background has been added to the Photo Lab. This should provide an easier way to achieve realistic render results without having to go into Advanced mode.
- We have improved how the Denoise Post Processing effect behaves; this should result in less smudging of textures while still removing pixelated “noise” from your renders.
- Updated the UI for the render progress information in the Photo Lab.
- We have made it easier to add new photos to papers by adding a *New* button to the Properties dialog for situations where no photos have yet been created in the Photo Lab.
New Door types available
- Several new door types have been added to the Wall Drawing tab:
- Roller Door
- Sectional Door
- Single and Double bifold door options for Sliding doors
We have also taken the opportunity to sort Doors and Windows into their own section, to reduce visual clutter:
Changes to handling of drawing contents, auto saves and backups
- We have added a new tool, Clean up drawing (Beta), that lets you check your drawing for unwanted or unused data, such as images, materials or DWG files, and remove them to save on memory usage and potentially improve drawing performance.
- The Drawing Properties option, previously available from the File menu, has been replaced with a new Info pane:
- In the Control Panel, we have renamed the Security tab to a more suitable Data Management. We have also added a control to let you pick where you wish for CET to save Auto backup files, should you want them saved in a different location than the Auto saves.
This is an effort to unify all backups into one location for easier search.
As part of these changes, we have also moved the button for Remove old backup files to the Data Management tab from its old location in Advanced.
- We have moved the location for Auto save files from the old location (subfolder of the drawing) to the new location of Users/<user name>/AppData/Local/CET Data/64-bit/autosave. This was done to guarantee that CET can write files to the location for automatically generated saves of your drawings.
News & Changes
Extension Updates
- Flooring materials are now only fully downloaded when a product is first used in a drawing. This should save significant amounts of disk space and time spent waiting for downloads.
- Introducing the Browse tab! This replaces the old Catalogues tab with a more flexible folder-based view intended to make it easier to find the materials you want to use. New here is also that the Browse tab will display the current state of a product catalogue, such as disabled, downloading, offline etc., by changing its icon.
This new tab also comes with new navigation features to help make it faster and easier to move between folders. As part of this change, the Search feature has been updated and moved into its own tab.
- The right-click menu has been replaced by a new set of tools to make navigation options more visible, such as options for hiding disabled or non-downloaded catalogues.
- Enabling/Disabling and Downloading of Catalogues is now done from the Browse Tab instead of having to go to the main Control Panel of CET.
Extension Updates
Essential Kitchen EU
- For Essential Kitchen EU users, there is now an option to manually change how multipliers for prices are calculated for various product types through the new Price Calculation dialog.
- Essential Kitchen EU now supports converting Straight Joints to Mason’s Mitre type joints when setting up worktops.
- Essential Kitchen EU now supports custom dimensions for cabinets, this can be activated by switching the Measure Domain to the Custom option in the Property box.
Essential Kitchen EU also sees the addition of support for stretching for some of the Appliances.
News & Changes
New Extensions
RAL Materials
- The new RAL Materials Extension adds the 216 materials from the “RAL Classic” collection to the Material Explorer for use with your projects. This Extension is available, for free, from the Marketplace for all Material Handling users.
RAL Material Pack for Material Handling | MyConfigura
Essential Shelving (Beta)
- The Essential Shelving Extension enters open Beta for Material Handling users. Built upon a new shelving system framework, this Extension enables users to quickly design full shelving systems in their layouts.
New products
- The Industrial Equipment Extension sees the addition of an AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) and Nestainer nesting racks.
Fixes & Enhancements
- Attempting to shut down Windows while CET is still running with unsaved changes will now prompt a Windows warning dialog instead of just discarding the changes.
- CET now warns if it, during startup, detects that the user settings file has been damaged.
- If any problems were detected while saving a drawing, CET will now warn and inform as to what went wrong, giving you a chance to try saving again depending on what the problem was.
- Creating a new empty drawing is now faster. As part of this improvement, we have also eliminated the flickering that could be seen in the Component Tabs when creating a new drawing.
- Revision Clouds now support customizing the size of the arcs. Where it was previously determined by the size of the cloud itself, you can now edit the Arc Width in the Property box.
- Updated the drag points for all architectural doors to be blue instead of yellow, to help make it easier to distinguish them from snap- and stretch points.
- The Property box for doors will now remember any locked parameters used when inserting multiple doors.
- The Configura SIF export now includes package count information, when available.
- Reduced CPU usage for the new Catalogue Downloader.
- Help Points now stay the same size regardless of zoom level.
- We have made sure that the Main article view is always the left-most tab in the Calculation dialog.
- The Calculate Area tools now support measuring area size using the Tsubo ( 坪 ) unit.
- For users of the CET Kitchen & Bath Edition, a new Anti-Aliasing option has been added to the Graphics tab of the Control Panel. The higher the Anti-Aliasing value, the smoother and nicer edges and lines will look in your 3D view. Please note, though, that increasing this value brings with it a corresponding cost to performance.
- Added an option to the Style Editor for Dimensions to always display their measurement unit when measuring using the Metric system. For Material Handling and Commercial Interior users, this option is ON by default. For Kitchen & Bath users, this option is OFF by default. As part of this change, we are also renaming the “Show (mm) distance unit for dimension tools” in the Control Panel to the more accurate “Show metric distance unit for rulers” as it now only applies to the Ruler and Measure and Scale tools.
- The Essential Guarding Extension now displays the current value of fences in the Property box when stretching to change height.
- The Essential Conveyor Extension now has a tool for exporting a report to Excel.
- The preview in the Bay Editor dialog now has its own View Mode control, letting you choose between Normal, Unit Load and Unloaded.
- The Bay Editor now lets you access the Properties for selected Levels without having to leave the Bay Editor dialog.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue with the Advanced Selection tool that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with loading of custom View Modes in the Photo Lab that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with the Reconfiguration Extension that could cause a crash when using the Reload All option.
- Fixed issue with stretching of curved conveyors that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with the application of new layout inserts to Dishwashers that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with stretching of kitchen cabinets that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with worktop edge cutting that could cause a crash.
Bug Fixes
- To help prevent issues with saved drawings, CET will now more aggressively prevent the use of Windows system reserved names such as CON, COM1, LPT1 etc., in addition to the usual “forbidden” characters such as < > : ”/ \ | ? and *.
- Fixed problem with imported DWG files that could prevent them from accepting changes to layer color.
- Fixed problem that could cause some of the icons for kitchen cabinets to disappear.
- Fixed problem that could cause a reset of stretching or transparency of cabinets.
- Fixed problem that could prevent worktop dimensions in the bill of material from updating.
- Fixed problem that could allow Backsplash placement to stretch in behind tall cabinets.
- Fixed problem with worktop properties for Corner Cut and Rounded Edge that caused them to only accept negative input values.
- Fixed problem with measurements for Straight Corner Racks that would cause it to forget to include width of the cabinet’s side. This only applies to newly placed kitchen cabinets and will not change existing drawings.
- Fixed problem with Auto papers that could prevent the Project Information from automatically populating the Sales person name field.
- Fixed problem that could prevent graphics from updating when making minute changes to the object measurements, such as 5 decimals of an inch.
- Fixed problem that would cause some of the Characters models to be too large when in a seated position.
- Fixed problem with Twinmotion that could cause normal maps to get inverted.
- Fixed problem with Elevation Views that could cause Back or Side fences to pop up unannounced.
- Fixed problem with Elevation Views that could cause them to sometimes generate extra unwanted lines.
- Removed duplicate warning dialogs when loading Favorites containing data belonging to missing Extensions.
- Part Tags and Part Tag Categories specific to data from missing Extensions will now be visible in the Part Tagging dialog to facilitate their deletion if the user no longer wishes to retain them.
- Fixed problem that could cause Pack & Go creation to be aborted if the user answered “No” to the question if they wished to save the drawing before creating Pack & Go.
- Fixed problem with loading of Papers, requiring missing Extensions, that could prevent the paper from being loaded.
- Fixed problem with PDF creation that could cause some lines to be too thin.
- Fixed problem with PDF creation for Material Handling users that could cause lines to be too thick in the resulting PDF.
- Fixed problem with PDF export that could cause CET to ignore the setting for creating the PDF in the same location as the drawing.
- Fixed problem with some light sources used by Kitchen & Bath Extensions that could cause them to produce way too much light.
- Fixed problem that could cause COMs to take on a glossy/plasticky sheen.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab that could prevent text from properly fitting into the allotted space for some translations.
- Fixed problem with Snip to Photo Lab that could prevent the resulting photo from correctly zooming in on the framed objects.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab that could cause the render progress bar to reach 100% before the render had completed.
- Fixed problem with Architectural walls and Wall base trim that could cause the trim to overlap with windows.
- Fixed problem with Custom shapes and changing of the Thickness value that could cause newly placed custom shapes to not be visible in 2D.
- Fixed problem with Item Tags that could cause repositioned tags to reset their position after stretching the object.
- Fixed problem with the Circular Replicate tool that prevented the Keep elevation option from working.
- Fixed problem with the Angle step setting from the Control Panel that would prevent custom rotation start angles from being taken into account when stepping.
- Fixed problem with Zoom in All Objects that could sometimes prevent it from working.
- Fixed problem with saving of new drawings that could cause CET to forget the last saved-to location and instead revert to suggesting the CET Documents folder.
- Fixed problem with the Calculation dialog that could, in specific circumstances, cause it to show as blank when opened.
- Fixed problem with the Pre Configurator dialog that could cause it to show an incorrect number of aisles.
- Added missing tooltips and help texts for the Tonemap and Tonemap background options in the Photo Lab.
- Fixed problem with DWG export that could cause text layers to be included, even though they had been filtered out.
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