Settings will help you streamline your productivity by providing customizable preferences pricing.
Measurement System
The dropdown in this section allows for Imperial or Metric measurement.
Customize Pricing
Pricing for the Essential Conveyor Extension is determined by each user with the exported Excel spreadsheet. The spreadsheet includes information on all the products found in the drawing with the price set as zero.
Exporting an Excel Spreadsheet
To export and save an Excel spreadsheet, follow these steps:
- Click the Settings button
- Click the Open Excel pricelist template button to open the spreadsheet in Excel
- Open the exported Excel spreadsheet and Save
Spreadsheet Tabs
Included in the pricing spreadsheet are five tabs: Instructions, Header, Models, Rule, and Pricelist.
Instructions: Provides overall information on how to use the spreadsheet
Header: Include additional information about the pricing spreadsheet to be previewed after loading
Models: A list of all the product's part numbers and description
Rules: Leave this tab untouched
Pricelist: Includes the part numbers and information necessary to update pricing
How to Apply Pricing
To add pricing to the spreadsheet and load it in the drawing, follow these steps:
- Export and save the Excel pricing spreadsheet
- Click the Pricelist tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet
- Update the Value column from 0 to a price amount
- Save and close the spreadsheet
- Click Pricing in the Catalogue component section
- Click the Import button to browse for the file and open
Material To Be Handled
Settings is used to determine the type of MTBH that will be moving along the conveyor.
To make a selection, follow these steps:
- Click the Add MTBH button to open Materials to be Handled
- Click the drop-down arrow to select the MTBH
- Continue this step until all the MTBH types have been selected
Set as Default: Set the material type to be the automated standard used
Apply to Selection: Set the material type to a manually selected section
Inspect: Shows the current MTBH of a conveyor
Apply to Selection
- Open Materials to be Handled
- Make your MTBH selection
- Select the conveyor
- Click Apply to Selection
Inspect will display the Materials to be Handled.
- Select the Inspect button
- Select a conveyor to read the MTBH
- Click the drop-down arrow to view and select a previously created Scheme
- Click on the rainbow wheel to open Scheme for Essential Conveyors
Please note - The image above shows the scheme manager in the Horizontal layout. Your schemes manager may be in the Vertical format. If this is the case it will appear as below. You may change this by using the Ellipse, selecting Settings, and selecting the Layout.
For more information on how to create and use Scheme, check out these articles!
Select either the Equipment - Imperial or Equipment - Metric, then click the Export Report button.
This will open an excel document that includes tabs for Manifest, By Model, and By Function. "Manifest" will display a list of all of the different unit types, along with relative information about those units, as shown below.
"By Model" will list each model included in drawing, along with quantity and length information.
"By Function" will generate a list that is sorted by unit function.
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