To add build(s) to a version, follow these steps:
- From the Build Center home page, select a distribution you want to add the build into.
- Select the version of the distribution you want to add the build into.
- Click the Add Builds button below the toolbar.
- Select the build(s) that you want to add from the list below. You can use the filter to quickly find the build(s) you need. Click the Add button on the left to select a build.
- Click Next to proceed to the next step.
- Review the build(s) selected.
- The status indicates that this is an update to the previous version.
- Click the expand button to check which packages are available in the build.
- Select the Create new revision checkbox if you want a new revision to be created.
This checkbox is currently only available to Configura's Rapid Response Team, RRT.
- Finally, click Add Builds to complete the process.
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