The "SaveTest" feature (available in develop mode only) is a tool that allows quick save and load of drawings without any browse for file dialogs, warnings about overwriting, etc.
Show the SaveTest tool by clicking DevelopMode:
The save-test toolbar consists of 4 buttons and a drop-down:
- New - creates a new drawing, does not ask if you want to save your current changes
- Load - quick load from the current save-test drawing
- Save - quick save to the current save-test drawing
- Remove - deletes the current save-test drawing
In the drop-down, you can select save-test drawing (from the ones you have already saved).
Note that selecting a drawing does not load it. You must first select and then load. Or you can select and then save if you want to overwrite that particular save-test. The selected save-test drawing is automatically loaded when you start CET (in develop mode).
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