- Component Tab Creator Dialog
- Drop-down Menu
- Toolbar
- Controls
- Design Window
- Properties Window
- Adding Products
- Preview Component Tabs in CET
- Resource Directory for Component Tabs
- Publish Component Tabs
The Component Tab Creator (CTC) is a tool that allows users to create Component Tabs and publish them to Portfolios. It is accessible in the Table of Contents sub-window in the Product Catalogues card.
Component Tab Creator Dialog
The CTC dialog consists of a few areas. They are as follows:
Window Header: Contains the name of Product Catalogue being used.
Drop-down Menus: Includes File and Help menus.
Toolbar: Functions that the CTC dialog can utilize.
Controls: Tools used to control the Design Window layout.
Design Window: Area Products & Controls will be referenced and customized.
Component Tab Card(s): Selectable Icon that can include an image/text; exposes Products of Component Tab.
Edit Properties: Dynamic area that updates to edit Products, Controls, and Cards.
Drop-down Menu
The File menu contains options to create new Component Tabs, Save or Save all tabs, and Close the Component Tab Creator dialog. The Help menu will take users to online wiki articles for tool reference.
The CTC’s Toolbar includes the following functions:
- New - Adding new Component Tab.
- Save - Save current Component Tab.
- Save All - Save all Component Tabs in the Project.
- Enable/Display preview - To preview the Component Tab in a toolbox.
- Activate - Activate the Component Tab so users who installed the catalogue will see the Component Tab when the Show Component Tab button is turned on in the Catalogue Explorer.
- Delete - Delete selected item. Grayed out if nothing is selected.
The Controls area consists of the tools you will use to organize the design area. The Controls are as follows:
- Filler - Fills up a space between products. Can only be inserted into a Product View.
- Group - A container product level. Applies currency rounding and exchange rate recursively.
- Header - A bold description product level. Applies currency rounding and exchange rate recursively.
- Product View - A section to add products. Just drag-and-drop to existing Header/Group to add.
- Image Header - An image to represents the toolbox, usually on top.
Design Window
This area allows for the organization and customization of products in a Component Tab by using the Controls. Controls and Products are referenced here by click-and-drag. Each Design Window is contained in a Component Tab Card, which is to the right of the Design Window. When a Product View is inserted into the Design Window, its properties are tied to the Group or Header that it is beneath.
Properties Window
The Properties window is used to display Characteristics of the selected Product, Control, or Card in the Design window. Based on what is selected, the different collapsible areas will appear with fields or drop-down menus to customize property settings for the specific selection.
In the Properties window, you can modify the Name and Description of the current selection. If a Product is selected, you can alter the selected options for that Product. For the Image Header and Card Properties, you will be given the option to choose an image.
Adding Products
To add products, simply drag Product(s) from the All Products sub-window in the Product Catalogues tab in Catalogue Creator to the desired Group or Header. A Product View must be in the Design Window in order for the Product to be added.
Preview Component Tabs in CET
Custom Component Tabs can be previewed and interacted with in the component area of CET by clicking on the eye icons in the toolbar.
- Disable Preview
- Enable Preview
When enabled in CET, products can be dragged into the drawing view just like other Extensions. All custom Groups, Headers, and images will appear like in the CTC Dialog except for Fillers and Image Headers with no assigned images. Disable and re-enable the preview icon to refresh changes made to the Component Tab.
Resource Directory for Component Tabs
The Resource Directories sub-window in the Project tab of Catalogue Creator now has Component Tabs Directory field to set where Component Tab files (.cmtbxc) are saved in the local file directory.
Publish Component Tabs
To publish a Component Tab, Component Tab cards must first be set to Active and then saved. This can be done by pressing the Activate icon in the toolbar and saving. If the check mark is green, then the Card will appear in the Component Tab list after being published. If the check mark is red, the Card will not appear, even if Published. You will use the Publish card and the corresponding Portfolio(s) to upload the Component Tab file.
Uploaded Component Tabs can be hidden or visible via a setting in the Catalogue Explorer window of the Catalogue Browser Tab.
It's in the Catalogue View area, under the Show Component Tab column.
If no Component Tab exists for a Catalogue, this functionality will be grayed out.
Uploaded tabs that are set to Active will appear under the Catalogue Browser tab.
Users can drag the snappers into model space and utilize existing functionality like Custom Tools.
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