Hotfix 3: September 5, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue that could cause a crash for some manufacturers when validating drawings.
- Fixed issue with the Essential Conveyors Extension that could cause a crash when importing an Excel price list.
Hotfix 2: August 29, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem with the creation of Elevation Views for Racks that could in some cases prevent fencing from being included.
- Fixed problem with View Modes that could cause unwanted graphics to be visible for Kitchen & Bath users.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab and the Exposure/Brightness Post-processing options that could prevent them from working while Tonemap was enabled.
Hotfix 1: August 24, 2023
Bug Fixes
- We are setting the Old Catalogue Downloader back as default for everyone until we can assess and deal with some unexpected issues that have arisen.
- Fixed problem with automatic use of DWG graphics by some Extensions that could prevent drawings from loading.
- Fixed problem with Collaboration and Papers that could cause paper order to get shuffled around.
- Fixed problem with the Unit Load Editor that could cause the preview for some unit loads to be empty.
- Fixed problem with the Unit Load Editor that could cause the application of some unit loads to result in empty space instead of the actual unit load.
- Fixed problem that could prevent the United Material Handling Extension from being installed.
CET 14.0 Minor: August 21, 2023
All Editions News & Changes
Catalogue Downloader
With the latest round of improvements and fixes the new Catalogue downloader tool is considered worthy of being enabled by default for all users.
We have also added a new icon to help indicate when downloading has been Paused.
Icon Function Location Catalogues Paused CET, Top Area, Right side Catalogues Paused with Errors CET, Top Area, Right side
We have also added a new icon to help indicate when downloading has been Paused.
Image on Wall Updates
The Image on wall object has been updated with lots of new cool options, such as:
- Three different Fill Shape types
- Orientation control (Portrait /Landscape)
Pre-defined image sizes (Custom is still available)
Sliding Door Style Options
Sliding door style options have been expanded from the basic three types to six different options. In addition, we added separate controls for choosing a Track Style.
- Several door settings have been renamed for clarity, and the Properties box has been reorganized to help improve the workflow.
- Several door settings have been renamed for clarity, and the Properties box has been reorganized to help improve the workflow.
News & Updates
Essential Conveyor Extension
We are happy to announce the newest addition to CET Material Handling – the Essential Conveyor Extension.
- This Extension significantly accelerates the sales and design process with easy-to-use placement and automatic calculations of conveyor systems, realistic 3D renderings and one-click piece counts.
- The Essential Conveyor Extension includes transportation conveyors, accumulation conveyors, sorter conveyors, transfers, lifts and more.
This Extension is bundled into CET Essentials for Material Handling. It is also available from the Marketplace to users holding a CET Material Handling license.
General Updates
- Size limits for Pallet Height/Width/Length have been extended to allow sizes up to a new maximum of 4.5 meters (~14.7 feet) for each value.
- The Frame Editor now supports adding single posts.
News & Changes
General Updates
- Essential Kitchen EU now supports choosing from a selection of different Edge styles for worktops.
- Essential Kitchen EU now supports using dishwasher fronts from various manufacturers in addition to the existing fronts included with the Extension.
Fixes & Enhancements
- Reduced the number of occurrences of CET asking you to install Extensions that were present (but not used) when the drawing was last saved.
- Imported DWG plans placed in Paper View now support the same 2D Position system of Back/Mid/Front as other objects.
- Importing larger DWG plans and objects should now take less time to complete.
- CET now provides more details when notifying about unrecognized data or objects found when loading a drawing, usually caused by missing Extensions.
- Improved clarity of notification displayed by CollabPro when unrecognized data or objects was found during load of drawing.
- Improved rendering speed for filtered 3D View Ports.
- Improved error message when importing DWG files that are too large into the Paper View.
- Improved performance when pasting large amounts of text into the Text object with spell checking enabled.
- Drawings containing many Elevation views should now load faster.
- Improved performance for the Post processing Temperature slider in the Photo Lab.
- Improved responsiveness and UI for the White balance Post processing tool in the Photo Lab.
- Improved the quality of results when using the Brightness Post processing tool in the Photo Lab.
We have split the Tonemap Post processing option into two separate separate toggles; affording you control over whether to include the background when tonemapping, or not.
- As part of this change, we are also updating the UI to use a more modern look than the old checkboxes.
- As part of these Photo Lab improvements, the Auto adjust Post processing option in Simple Mode also gets a little love and should now produce much better results.
- Reduced the amount of data that needs to be sent from the Photo Lab to the Render Server by up to half.
- Updated the quality of the Render Preview in the 3D view toolbar to match the results you would get from the Photo Lab using the same settings. As a part of this we have also renamed the button to the more appropriate Quick Render.
We have improved how Filters interact with Blocks. Filters will no longer eliminate blocks in their entirety, but instead only filter out the matching objects from inside of Blocks.
- Please note that this means that Filters set up in Papers in previous versions of CET will now behave differently.
- In order to help highlight this potential side-effect, CET will now warn when loading drawings saved in older versions of CET.
- Blocks now also support having an Elevation value set for the entire block.
- When applying scheme changes to Entire drawing, CET will now warn if there are already other applied schemes present and ask if you wish to overwrite existing schemes.
- Improved CollabPro behavior and information for users when hitting the max limit for number of concurrent active users.
- The Show/Hide Propagate Tools option in Properties dialogs will now remember the state you left it in, rather than hiding the Propagate tools each time the dialog is reopened.
- Deep Racking bay/segment width now automatically changes based on the widest unit load placed in it.
- Added an option to view more detailed information for warnings in Paper View when problems were detected.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue with loading of Papers containing broken objects that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with Papers and Tag Legends and changing font size that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issue with Deep Racking systems and Elevation views that could cause a crash.
- Fixed issues with the Bay Editor and Preconfigurator dialogs that could cause a crash if creating a new drawing while either dialog was open.
Bug Fixes
- Added a warning dialog when attempting to insert DWG files that are too big to scale down to size into the Paper View.
- Fixed problem with Calculation and the filter option for columns that could in some cases prevent content from being properly fitted.
- Picklist name has been moved to the top of the Property box and into its own grouping to help make it easier to find.
- Fixed problem with architectural doors that would cause door handle position to be based on the height of the door. CET will now instead use a set height for door handles and offers a new option to control this value.
- Fixed problem with stairs that could in some cases cause them to incorrectly obscure other objects in the 2D view.
- Fixed problem with Custom Shapes and the Slice Shape tool that could prevent a circular shape from being sliced horizontally.
- Fixed problem with Picklists that would cause information from the last selected product to remain visible even when selection was changed.
- Fixed problems with View Clips and the Black and White add-on that could in some cases allow parts of visible DWG files to still display in color.
- Fixed problem with Detailed Tooltips that prevented them from displaying information about required Extensions for unknown objects.
- Fixed problem with the Component Tabs Configurator dropdown that could prevent it from remembering the last used preset after restarting CET.
- Fixed problem with creation of View Clips from Elevations that could in some cases cause the View Clip to become humongous.
- Fixed problem with View Clips that could cause imported DWG files to be visible even though they had been set as Hide in print.
- Fixed problem with printing and the Expand List option that could in some cases prevent CET from accepting the fact that it was not enabled.
- Fixed problem with Contour rendering in the Photo Lab that could in some cases create additional ghost-like lines to appear.
- Fixed problem that could cause the Photo Lab to take extra long to open after performing a Quick Render in the normal 3D view.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab that could cause the scale for the Watermark to be reset when reopening the Photo Lab.
- Fixed problem with inserted Photos in the Paper View that could cause them to turn black when viewed in the Photo Lab.
- Fixed problem with DWG import and the Floorplan Settings preset that could prevent Import 3D entities from working.
- Fixed problem with DWG export and filtering to selection that could cause Blocks to be excluded even though they were selected.
- Fixed problem with Auto backups that could cause them to be created even with the functionality turned off.
- Fixed problem with IFC export and Filters that could cause some objects to go missing.
- Fixed problem with the Export Filter dialog that could prevent newly created Custom View Modes from showing up until the dialog was reopened.
- Fixed problem with Copy/Paste between multiple drawings that could prevent some copied objects from pasting.
- Fixed problem with the Reconfiguration Extension and the Proposed to New article view that could prevent Manual sort from working.
- Fixed problem with Edit Graphics that could cause the 2D/3D parts of an object to obscure objects above it.
- Fixed problem with the Calculation dialog that could cause manually edited prices to be reverted when tagging parts if the Commercial Interiors Library Extension is installed.
- Fixed problem with Project Info that could cause the Delivery date to show the wrong day of the week, even while showing the correct date.
- Fixed problem that could cause some materials to turn white when converted into the .gm material format.
- Added missing help text for the Denoise Post processing option in the Photo Lab.
- Added missing help text for the White balance Post processing option in the Photo Lab.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab and advanced rendering details and setting Anti-aliasing to the lowest possible value that could cause rendering to fail.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab and cropping of rendered images that would fail to center the image in the view.
- Fixed problem with the Photo Lab and rendering of Thin walls that could cause oversized shadows to black out large portions of the wall.
- Fixed problem with the value display for sliders in the Post processing section of the Photo Lab that would prevent numbers from fitting when displaying four characters (i.e., -100).
- Fixed problem that could cause Windows update to break access to the Render Server.
- Fixed problem with the Style and materials dialog for CET Kitchen and Bath users that prevented Undo from working.
- Fixed problem with Essential Kitchen EU that could lead to missing Right/Left hanging for corner 90 cabinets.
- Fixed problem with Essential Kitchen EU and the Mirror tools that would cause Taps to go missing.
- Fixed problem with Essential Kitchen EU that could cause bottom molding to overlap with cabinet fans.
- Fixed problem with Essential Kitchen EU that could prevent Ceiling/Top Molding from achieving a continuous flow.
- Fixed problem with Essential Kitchen EU and appliances that support Toe kicks; they no longer spawn their own but instead adopt from their neighbors.
- Fixed problem that could prevent Catalogue objects from snapping when placed into older drawings.
- Fixed problem with the Bay Editor preview that could in some cases prevent it from updating.
- Fixed problem with the Frame Editor that could cause some setting combinations to create overlapping parts once applied.
- Fixed problem with the Pick up frame tool that could prevent it from picking up side fences.
- Fixed problem the Guarding Extension which caused the Double Guard Rail to use the wrong model, making it look like the lower rail was of the incorrect height.
- Fixed problem with Side Fences that could cause them to show up as a solid pattern in Elevation views.
- Fixed problem with some of the Commercial Interior Library tabs occasionally not showing up in the Component Tab Configurator.
- Fixed problem with the Commercial Interiors Library that could cause materials to not scale correctly on the object when placed in CET.
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