Print will open a window containing all the users templates and reports Templates This is the name of the folder that contains the reports associated with it. Report is what the user prints. Edit will take the user to the Print Template Editor to edit the report. Preview will take the user to preview the report, as well change the orientation, save a PDF, email the report directly and other Share options.
User's Templates lets the user browse for templates other than their defaults.
Recent Reports will show the most recent Reports used.
Print Preview
Print will print the report Portrait will print the report vertically Landscape will print the report horizontally Page Setup lets the user change the paper size, the orientation, as well as the margins
The Zoom panel will let you change the view of the preview.
- One Page at a time
- Two Pages at a time
- Multiple pages at a time
- Zoom to a specific place on the page
History Back will cycle backwards through the views/pages the user have already seen
History Next will cycle forwards through the views/pages the user has already seen
The Hand Tool will let the user move quickly through pages
Text Select Tool will let the user select text on the report to copy and paste
Find will search the report for keywords to make line items easy to find
PDF will convert the report into a PDF for easy sharing
HTML is another way to save the report for sharing
Excel will export it into an excel spreadsheet
RTF will convert the project into Rich Text Format
Text will convert the project into a .txt file
More will give the exporting formats of:
- Tag Image File Format
- Rich Text Format (fixed positioning)
- Single Page Text
- Compressed Metafile
Close Print Preview
- Will close the Print Preview and take the user back to the project.
Template Editor
The Print Template Editor will let the user edit the reports in a specific Template.
Spreadsheet Print
Spreadsheet Print will print the Project in the Spreadsheet view. The columns that are turned on, will all print so be sure to turn the columns off that you don't want printed.
Project Information
Project Info
ProjectInfo tracks non-furniture specific aspects of a total project. This allows the user to calculate additional charges, generate people trails, identify servicing dealers, and enter order information including front notes and shipping notes. The ProjectInfo dialog box has 6 tabs, each of which stores information related to the current project.
Open File Location brings up the File Explorer, this allows the user to see where the file is saved.
This is where the user can enter the Project Title.
Spec Tab
Company Information:
- This is where Company Information can be entered.
On Drag Operation:
- The user can decide if they want Spec to Prompt for Quantity when Drag and Dropping a part from the Catalog Reader into the Project.
Auto Export:
- This will Automatically Save the .PMX File and .SIF File.
Unique Manufacturer Codes:
- These codes can be changed to fit the users needs to flag items with these codes as Special line Items.
Storage Locations
These are file paths of where information is stored by default.
Price Information
- The user can have Spec round the dollar amounts in a specific way.
- Rounding up to the dollar can help create extra money for the user
Apply Rounding To:
- The user has the option to chose the Rounding to the Dealer or the Customer
Catalog Information
Part Image Display:
- The user can choose to show the Part Image or not.
Project Tools
This opens the Made to Measure tool for Herman Miller Dealers.
Support Chat
This will take you directly to Support Chat. Should the user run into any issues with Spec, or need additional training, this is a quick way to get help.
Log Information
View Log File
This brings up the log file for IT support.
This brings up the Version.
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