To print reports and drawings in CET Designer, follow these steps:
- Select Print Reports from the File menu. The Print Reports dialog opens, as shown below.
- Go to the Report Settings tab. Under Document contents, mark the check boxes for the reports, drawings, and perspectives that you would like to print. Select each heading to specify settings for each line, or use the Standard section to automatically generate reports.
- Choose your printer settings at the bottom of the dialog.
- To view the proposal before printing, click the Preview button.
- Finally, click the Print button.
To generate a PDF file, check the Create an Adobe PDF document box in the bottom-left corner and click Create PDF.
The Print Reports Dialog
- The contents of the Print Reports dialog box can vary depending on which Extensions you have installed.
- The Preview option gives a quick preview of the 3D view. Printing to paper or to a PDF will always produce a full rendering of the image. If you wish to view the 3D view fully rendered in the preview, click the Preview rendering button in the preview dialog. The Preview rendering button is not active if you have chosen Actual Print output from Renderings in the Print Reports dialog box.