Migration changes on extension
Please check with your developers if they have done the migration changes on the extensions before you start testing.
Catalogue Download Integrated with Extension Updates
For Extensions that make use of Catalogue objects, CET will now wait for the catalogue data to be downloaded before offering to restart and finalize update. The message "Restart with Updates" will be present to the user (unless the user clicks on the “Don’t wait” button to stop waiting for catalogue download.)
Test Instruction:
1. With new CET installation, check that catalogue data will be downloaded during the extension update process. Check in the ribbon and in the CET update window.
2. Repeat the test by clicking on the “Don’t wait” button. Check that installation will not wait for catalogue download and restart CET right away.
3. Also check that if “Keep Waiting” is clicked, CET will wait for the catalogue download to be completed before restarting CET.
Collaboration Lite
If your organization decided to use collaboration and your developers has has migrated/adopted collaboration, please click here for more details on testing.
New Feature
Catalogue Driven Schemes
There is now a way for catalogue developers to create a scheme layout based on features in their catalogue. This is a highly visual tool that allows catalogue creator to drag and drop features, tabs, and sections to create a scheme, apply product rules, then publish it as part of the catalogue data. This will be automatically available for use by end users through the standard scheme dialog.
For more information please refer to Catalogue Scheme Support Article
Test Instruction:
- Create a catalogue scheme and upload it to your project portfolio.
- Go to Scheme explorer, check that scheme created is visible in the scheme explorer.
- Click to open the scheme and check that the scheme loaded is the same as created.
Bug Fix
Order Export
There have been bug fixes for Order Export regarding the quantity information in the exported xml file.
Test Instruction:
- Load a drawing of your extension and export to your own order export format. Check the quantity in the exported xml is correct. Also check briefly on other information in the xml.
Always incorporate these to your testing:
- Test save and load.
- Copy, paste and cut.
- Undo and redo.
- Load old drawings.
- Paper space, print PDF and auto papers (If applicable).
- Test applying own materials.
- Performance.
You can find more information here:
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