Price lists are a means of collecting and describing prices on products and options. Note that price lists do not actually contain or own prices. Rather, products and options make reference to price lists when setting prices.
Price lists have the following attributes:
- Code – Every price list must have a unique code to distinguish it from other price lists.
- Description – A price list may have a brief description. If the project the price list belongs to has multiple languages enabled, a description may be set for every language enabled.
- Currency – A unit of currency must be specified for a price list. Currencies are referenced by code, as specified in ISO 4217.
- Multiplier – A multiplier applied to all prices that reference this price list or its base price list.
- Rounding Rule – Specifies how prices that reference this price list should be rounded. This is expressed as an integer value, representing the places past the fractional separator of the currency, that the rounding should begin. For example, with a rounding of 1, the price of $14.57 would appear as $14.50. This value may be negative. For example, with a rounding of -2, the price of $1,357.52 would appear as $1,300.00.
- Effective and Expiration Dates – A price list may have dates that specify when it becomes valid, and when it is no longer valid.
- Lookup Code – This is an optional reference to another price list, made by its code.
A price list withers either no lookup code or a lookup code the same as the code attribute is referred to as a ‘base’ price list. Any price list that references another price list with its lookup code is referred to as a ‘derived’ price list. Derived price lists may not have prices attached directly to them. Instead, prices are referenced to the base price list, and prices are derived from the attributes of first the base price list, then the derived price list. When determining the rounding rule of these prices, the rounding rule with the least value is used. When determining the final price, both the multiplier of the base price list and the derived price list are applied.
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