Searching for a favorite
There are several ways to find a favorite that you have saved. The following options are available from the Favorites section in the File Menu:
In the upper-right hand corner of the Favorites section in the File menu, enter one or several keywords in the Search for input field:
Click the black arrow next to Favorites at the top. Narrow down your search by selecting specific locations to look for .cmfav files.
You can refine the search by checking or unchecking the boxes under Match with:
Description: Matches the words in the Search for field to the description that was entered when the Favorite was saved.
Save As dialog that appears while a Favorite is being created
- File name: Matches the words in the Search for field to words in the name of the favorite.
- Auto-generated keywords: Matches the words in the Search for field to keywords auto-generated by CET, e.g. a word in a tool tip.
- Enter the words "chair" and "table" in the Search for input field.
- Click Search. The result is shown in the field below the Search for field.
The search result will contain all files with both the words "chair" and "table" in the file name. If no file name consist of both the words, the search result will contain all files whose names contain just one of the words.
Browsing for a favorite
There are several ways to browse for a favorite:
- File Explorer: Find the Favorite where it is saved in your File Explorer, then drag-n-drop it into the 2D or 3D drawing view.
- Recent: In the File menu, when you select Favorites, you will see a list of Favorites that have recently been used.
- Recent places: On the right-hand side of the Favorites section in the File menu, you will see folders that have recently been accessed with favorites in them.
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