VS Code and the CM extension are not installed with the CET Developer environment the way Emacs is. This page describes the installation required to work with CM in VS Code.
Note: If you are interested in working with VSCodium instead, see the 'VSCodium' article
Installing VS Code
You can download VS Code from the official website. There are no special installation instructions, however, choosing the 'Add "Open with Code"' options during installation is recommended.
Installing the CM Extension
From VS Code
Within VS Code, there is a tab available labeled 'extensions'. By default, this tab lists the extensions that you already have installed.
To find the CM extension, type ConfiguraCM
into the search bar at the top of the tab.
Find the extension named 'Configura CM support for VSCode' and select the 'Install' button.
From the VS Code Extension Marketplace
Note: The 'in-app' marketplace is the same content/availability as the website, and is generally easier to use. This section is here primarily for 'completeness'.
Extensions may also be installed via the VS Code Extension Marketplace. To find the CM extension, type 'ConfiguraCM' into the search bar.
Find the extension named 'Configura CM support for VSCode' and select the 'Install' button.
It is also possible to install the extension manually. This is not a recommended installation method. It is only described here for the 'exceptional' cases where the previously described methods are unacceptable.
Note: If you install an extension manually, VS Code will note be able to check for updates, and you will need to add/remove/upgrade the extension manually as well.
From within VS Code, open the 'extensions' tab. Select the ellipses '...' in the top right corner of the tab. From the menu, select 'Install from VSIX...'. Select the .vsix file from the file select dialog and click 'Install'.
Starting CM/CET Development
From Operator
Currently, there is a feature in the 'beta' version of Operator that will allow you to start VS Code correctly for a given workspace. From within Operator, make sure the workspace you want to work in is selected, then click the 'VS Code' button on the right.
Note: This feature currently does not work for VSCodium users. This may change in the future.
From File Explorer
From Windows File Explorer, navigate to the folder that contains the workspace you want to develop for. For a typical installation of the developer environment, that would be 'C:\CetDev'. Right click on the workspace folder that you intend to work with, and select the 'Open with VS Code' menu option.
Note: It is important that you start VS Code from the workspace root. The CM extension may not work as intended if started from a folder within the workspace.
From a command line interface
Assuming a typical installation of VS Code, you should be able to start correctly by executing the 'code' command, and providing the correct location of the workspace root.
For example (opening the 'MyWorkspace' workspace via the Windows Command Prompt): code C:\CetDev\MyWorkspace
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