Spec 6.5: November 15, 2023
News & Changes
New Feature
- Updated Additional Charges to include an "Include Charge" checkbox in Project Info.
What are Additional Charges?
Non-catalogue items, such as installation, freight, design fees, and surcharges, can be added in Project Info and are calculated into the project's over all total. These charges can be included in Print Templates as well as line items in a SIF export.
Include Charge Checkbox
If the Include Charge checkbox is checked, Spec will calculate the $Charge amount for that line into the project's overall total. If left unchecked, the charge will not be included.
The checkbox selection is saved to the PMX and is specific to your computer. This means switching between projects on your computer won't interfere with the different saved charges in another PMX.
Current charges are the Additional Charges that were last saved to that computer. You will be prompted to answer if you would like to keep the current charges when opening a PMX with Additional Charges on a different computer.
→ YES = Opens the PMX with the Additional Charges last saved on the computer you're currently using.
→ NO = Opens the PMX with the Additional Charges last saved on a different computer.
New PMX Files
Whatever Additional Charges are last saved will be included in a new PMX. However, all Include Charge checkboxes will be unchecked when opening a new PMX.
- Updated the CET SIF file to include additional manufacturer SIF codes when imported to Spec.
- Updated the Lynx SIF to import directly into Spec when double-clicked.
- Updated error messages to include the CIL Support email address.
- Updated users restore backup settings function to be implemented upon an error or Spec update.
- Updated the imported/exported OFDA XML files to include Project Info customer address information.
Fixes & Enhancements
Crash Fix
- Fixed issue that could cause a crash if multiple files are dragged and dropped into Spec.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem with the ‘New Catalogues to Activate’ window that could prevent catalogues from activating.
- Fixed problem with the Catalogue Manager that could cause missing catalogues.
- Fixed problem with Activate All and Deactivate All not working properly in Catalogue Manager.
- Fixed problem with the Price Zone drop-down hiding behind the Catalogue Manager.
- Fixed problem with opening multiple files that could cause the titles to swap.
- Fixed problem with repeating a manufacturer export that could result in criteria fields not auto-populating.
- Fixed problem with printing that could prevent the Page Header from printing.
- Fixed problem with printing that could cause the Print Template to be off centered.
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