For more in-depth information and instructions, be sure to check out the CIL Catalogue help pages.
Getting Started
How do I install the Commercial Interiors Library (CIL) Extension and review my catalogues?
- Purchase and install the CIL Extension
- Install Notify through the License Manager
- Download your catalogue data
Activate your catalogue in CET
How do I manage licenses?
For CET, licenses are managed through MyConfigura.
For Spec, licenses are managed through the License Manager. We've created a series of videos for you on how to manage your licenses in Spec.
Why can't I find my logo in the Marketplace?
Your catalogue content will be found in the Commercial Interiors Library Extensions in CET. The logos you see on the Marketplace are for Extension owners.
General Information
How do I set up the spreadsheet to option the parts correctly?
There is no right or wrong answer. We recommend following your website or catalogue structure to keep it consistent for your users.
Can I make a parent/child symbol?
Not at this time.
Can you use files other than DWG?
At this time we can only use DWG files. All other files MUST be converted to DWG.
Do I have to submit all my information at once?
No. Some manufacturers submit their best-selling items first and build from there. Others submit the catalogue before adding the 2D/3D blocks. It's whatever works best for you.
What if our catalogue is published somewhere else?
Please reach out to us to see if we can accept your data.
How long does it take to publish a catalogue once it's submitted?
Publishing is first come first serve, but on average it is 1-3 business days.
What should I do if I have a price change?
Update the pricing in the spreadsheet and send it to We will get your pricing updated within 1-3 business days.
My catalogues went into legacy status. What do I do?
Catalogues go into legacy status after a year of no published updates. We will need an updated catalogue or verification that the information is still up to date.
What size should the material files be?
Material swatches should be set to 96 dpi. Larger items will need larger swatches and smaller items will need smaller swatches. We always recommend using tileable images when possible.
Do products like shelves attach to walls in CET?
Unfortunately, no. We are not able to attach anything to a wall in CET at this time.
Why isn't my symbol inserted into the drawing correctly?
Make sure the insertion point and base point are set at 0, 0, 0.
Why is my symbol sizing inaccurate?
Make sure the DWG file is set to imperial sizing. Currently, our system cannot support metric sizing.
Why aren't my finishes showing up?
Material mapping must be provided to have the finishes show up properly. If it is not provided, there will be nothing displayed. Learn more by checking out our material mapping help guides.
Training & Support
What type of training do you offer?
We have different types of training and webinars available in the Academy. These will help you navigate our software so you can use it with confidence for testing, troubleshooting, marketing, and more!
Our Help Center allows you to quickly search for answers or connect with a support specialist.
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