Catalogue Tools 15.0 Patch 2: September 16, 2024
New Features & Improvements
- Added a new setting in the Catalogue Creator to control whether a file needs to be saved before uploading.
- Added a tool to remove illegal child snappers in the release debug menu. This can help if a snapper has accidentally gathered illegal child snappers that could cause Photo Lab to crash.
- We have moved the Miscellaneous Files sub-window to a new tab for improved clarity and easier navigation. You can now control whether to include or exclude sub-directories within the Miscellaneous directory directly from the new Miscellaneous Files tab.
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue that could cause a crash in the Catalogue Creator when assigning an invalid constraint to a product.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem where the quick properties showed only the Feature and Option from the parent product when dragged to the drawing space from the Published Component tab. Now, Features and Options from the child product are also displayed; not just those from the parent product.
- Fixed problem with incorrect validation of constraints when option codes contained spaces in their values.
- Fixed problem where the dropdown for the Constrained feature was not grayed out when only one option was available.
- Fixed problem where stretch functionality incorrectly would select a constrained value as new value candidate.
- Fixed problem where switching left and right connectors via the Quick Properties is not reflected upon update.
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