Jira Set up
Setting up for Jira would only need an email sent to devsupport@configura.com. This should be done by the lead developer, with these details included:
- Project Name
- Account Manager E-mail Address
- Project Manager E-mail Address (should be customer project lead or project manager)
- Developer Names and their emails.
Project Name: Fika
Account manager: FikaAccMan@configura.com
Project Manager: FikaProMan@configura.com
Developers: FikaDev1@configura.com, FikaDev2@configura.com, ....
MyConfigura, Git, Sentry and License Set up
Step 1. Add Manufacturer
Step 2. Grant Permissions to Different Roles
The project Owner should be the customer project lead or project manager
Developer Admin should be granted to lead dev
Step 3. Add Project Extension
Upload the extension.xml in the main package.
These processes will be automated when you upload the correct xml:
- Create License.
- Create Git repo, grant admin dev as “Maintainer” in Git, developer as “Developer”.
- Grant Sentry permission.
An extension's extension.xml file is found in the root directory of the extension. Using Fika as an example, the file would be in base/custom/fika/extension.xml.
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