Instructions can be found here:
Here's a copy and paste of this file:
- Log in to Iextreme as cetuser (if you do not know the password ask your fellow core friend).
- Open emacs
- Type M-x shell to open a shell
- Go to C:\CetDev\repoName\base\cm\install\build\cdk
- Type "build" and hit enter.
- The building process begins..
- Update the version numbers in the emacs buffer that will show itself "soon". The number should be updated two steps like this: (x.y.z+2). Do not change x and y.
- Find yourself some new fresh Coffee and reflect on how you can make this process even simpler! :)
- When you see "BUILD DONE" the compilation of all the code is done.
- Make sure you get "NO ERRORS" in the log
- After this Wise should be activated automatically and the msi build process should also start automatically.* If this does not happen then you need to activate the building process manually:
a. Go to: C:\CetDev\repoName\base\install\cet-designer b. Double click "CET Beta x.x" c. Hit F7. d. If you need a password ask your fellow core friend
- Once the msi has been built it is located under: C:\CetDev\repoName\base\install\cet-designer
- Test it! Or get help from QA to test it. Provided that it is okay go to next step otherwise => DEBUG and then go back to step 1! :)
- Submit the extension files and the other files with an updated version.
- Submit the lib files.
- Create a label in perforce:
a. Create a label in perforce called Beta_x.y.z. Easiest way is to do this is to right click on a previous label and choose "Create label from". b. Make sure //depot/project/cet/kernel/external/versionx.y/... //depot/project/cet/kernel/internal/versionx.y/... are included in view.
- Sync against the label by typing "p4 labelsync -l Beta_x.y.z" (where x.y.z is the version numbers, for instance 3.1.117)
- Open your filezilla and connect to: gura.configura.local (ask your fellow core friend if you do not know the password).
- Create a new folder /versions/extensions/official/x-y-z (again x-y-z is the version numbers).
- Upload all the newly created extensions located under C:\CetDev\repoName\base\extensions\built to the new folder you created in the previous step
- Rename the newly created msi file to BETA x.y.z (you should know what x, y, z stands for by now) and place the msi in under versions/designer (on the ftp)
- Tell the world about the new cool msi you have built => Tell QA about it!
-------------------------- Build RC --------------------------
- Update versions
- Set expireTime in cet/runtime/ and cet/designer/
- Update isRuntimeWip and isRuntimeBeta in cet/runtime/ and cet/designer/
- Make sure all packages are updated
* If you want to update the version and/or path of the wsi script to be executed you need to edit and rebuild the buildMsi.au3 located under C:\CetDev\repoName\base\cm\install\build. Ask jimwe for details.
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