This area will display validations that have been run from the Available Validations area. For each validation, an entry will appear in the list. Each entry has a name, a progress bar, a cancel button, and a restart button.
The task name matches the entry in the Available Validations list.
The progress bar shows several pieces of information. First it shows the progress of the validation: a percentage while the validation is running, ‘Completed’ or ‘Canceled’ once the validation has been completed or aborted, respectively. Also, if the validation finds any issues while it is running, the progress bar will display the number of issues found. The color of the progress bar will indicate the highest severity of any issues found: red for an error, orange for a warning, blue for informative, and green if no issues were found.
The cancel button will abort a validation if it is running, or remove it from the list if it is not running. The restart button
will restart the validation.
At the bottom of the Tasks area, the Clear Successful button will remove OK/green tasks and left with failing tasks (errors, warnings, information) while Clear Completed button will remove all validations that are no longer running.
The Cancel All button will abort all running validations.
The Restart All button will restart all validations in the list.
Available validations
- Unreferenced Model Layers: Checks for the model layer that is not used in the project. The affected list shows the affected layer and the product’s name that links to the model(s).
- Feature Vendor Mismatch:
- Product/Feature Vendor Mismatch: Checks if a product references a feature from a different vendor.
- Sub-Feature Vendor Mismatch: Checks if an option makes reference to a feature from a vendor other than the vendor assigned to the feature that owns the option.
- Material Texture Resolution:
- Material Texture Resolution: Checks for large texture in material.
- Material Unique Color: Checks if the material is using a texture with a unique color.
- Material Average Color:
- Material(s) Missing Average color property : Checks for gm file with missing average color set, that will in turn affects performance.
- Mesh data:
- Large Model: Checks model triangle count.
- Missing normals: Checks for the model with missing normals.
- Extremely large model: Flags this if model exceeds 10 times the allowed polygon counts.
- Z-fighting: Warning that checks if the layer intercepts each other.
- Product Missing Children and Parents:
- Product Missing Children: Checks the product list for missing child products
- Product Missing Parent: The following products have a RootProductParent set but that ‘root’ product does not exist
- Model and Preview External References:
- Missing Product Preview: Checks if a product has a product preview assigned.
- Invalid Model Format: Checks if an external reference is not a product preview and if it's not having a .cm3D file extension.
- Unreadable External Reference: Checks if product preview or model is unreadable.
- Feature References:
- Unreferenced Features: Checks if a feature exists for which there is no reference in any product or feature option.
- Bad Feature Reference on Product: Checks if a product makes use of a reference to a feature that does not exist.
- Bad Feature Reference on Feature Option: Checks if a feature option makes use of a reference to a feature that does not exist.
- Feature Options:
- No Default Option: Checks if a feature exists for which a default option is required, but missing.
- Incorrect Default Option: Checks if a feature has a default option set that does not match any of its options.
- No Options: Checks if a feature exists for which there are no options.
- Project Required Fields
- Empty Manufacturer Code: Checks if a manufacturer code has been specified for the manufacturer.
- Empty Manufacturer Name: Checks if a manufacturer's name has been specified for the manufacturer.
- No Default Unit: Checks if a unit has been specified for the project.
- Parallel Features: Checks for sub-features which have parallel options.
- Feature Application Areas: Checks for duplicate application areas in features.
- Lead Time Programs:
- Unreferenced Lead Time Programs: Checks if a Lead time programs exist for which there is no reference in any product, option, or product catalogue.
- Bad Leadtime Reference on Product Catalogue: Checks if a product catalogue makes reference to a lead time program that does not exist.
- Pricelist References:
- Unreferenced Pricelist(s): Checks if a pricelist(s) exist within the project that is not being used by any product catalogues, products, options, or other pricelists.
- Bad Pricelist Reference: Checks if the product catalogue makes reference to a pricelist that does not exist.
- Product Catalogue References: Checks if a product catalogue makes reference to a product that does not exist.
- Feature Models:
- Unreferenced Layer on Feature: Checks if a feature or one of its options makes reference to a model, for which there is a material group/layer that is not referenced by a material application or application area.
- Invalid Model Format on Feature: Checks if a feature, or one of its options, makes reference to a model of an unaccepted format.
- Missing Model on Feature: Checks if a model referenced by a feature or one of its options, is unreadable.
- Product Catalogue Lead Times: Checks if a product has a lead time longer than the product catalogue that it is assigned to.
- Leading/Trailing Spaces in Codes: Checks all codes in the Project for either leading or trailing spaces.
- Feature Loops: Checks for features that reference themselves via options or sub-features.
- Product References: Checks if a product exists for which there is no reference made.
- Material and Preview References:
- Unreferenced Material: Checks if the material is used in the project.
- Bad Material Reference on Feature: Checks if a feature making reference to a non-existing material.
- Product Catalogue Information:
- Invalid Product Catalogue Dates: Checks if the expiration date on a product catalogue precedes the effective date.
- No Pricelist on Product Catalogue: Checks if a product catalogue exists for which there are no price lists selected.
- No Name on Product Catalogue: Checks if a Product Catalogue exists without at least one name.
- Material Files:
- Material File Missing: Checks if the material file referenced by the material is readable.
- Duplicate Codes:
- Duplicate Product Code: Checks for products, materials, or features with duplicate codes.
- Duplicate Feature Code: Check if features exist which have an identical feature key. Note that the case is ignored when determining key uniqueness.
- Duplicate Material Code: Checks if materials exist which have identical codes. Note that the case is ignored when determining code uniqueness.
- Product Missing Categories: Flags a warning when inputted products are without category assigned.
- Resource Directories: Checks resource directories for being readable.
- Missing Models: Searches for products without models.
- Option Price Codes: Checks if a product makes reference to an option price code that does not exist on any option in the project.
- Application Areas: Checks if an application area exists that references a material group/layer that does not exist on any used model.
This does not explain where to find this button to Validate Drawing
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