When you start the Reconfiguration Tool from the component tab, a basic pre-made flowchart is displayed, see Figure 1 below. This graphical representation is made up of blocks and arrows. Each block has an item count showing exactly how many items it contains. In the green properties box, selected blocks can be renamed to represent what the block contains, and you can change color of all types of blocks.
The same setup is inserted if you click the Add reconfig button.
Figure 1: The pre-made flowchart is inserted when you first open the Reconfiguration tool, or when you click the Add reconfig button.
Additional blocks and arrows can be added manually to the pre-made chart to represent a real scenario. It’s also possible to insert sub-levels, thus creating a hierarchy. Just remember that a drawing block can only be connected to one compare block. If you want to add a new level, click the New level button to insert a sublevel flowchart to your reconfiguration, as shown below.
A reconfiguration with a new level added.
Updating the reconfiguration
There are two update options in the Reconfiguration window:
The updating options
- Reload all: Click the Reload all button to update the information for all blocks in your reconfiguration. If changes have been made to any of your drawings these will be added to your reconfiguration.
- Load from opened drawing: This box is checked by default. If blocks contain information from a currently opened file, data from that file wil be updated in your reconfiguration.
i still don't understand what is represented in the flow chart and where it's getting information? do i start this before i've drawn the "new layout" or after? does it work if i draw the project using alternates? what does adding a sublevel represent? why would i want to use one (for phases maybe)? does this information translate to the calculation? i found this more confusing than helpful, unfortunately.
Hi Sara,
Regarding your questions...
The Reconfiguration tool gathers information from a CET drawing or a SIF file.
You can start once you have both the New and existing layout.
Yes, during the drawing import into the Reconfiguration tool, CET will prompt you to choose the desired Alternative and Article View to begin.
The sublevel would represent the Phases/Stages of your project.
Once you have loaded both the New and Existing blocks, the bottom pane will populate with its respective Bill of Materials.
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