Creating a Reconfiguration



  • Sdidion

    i still don't understand what is represented in the flow chart and where it's getting information?  do i start this before i've drawn the "new layout" or after?  does it work if i draw the project using alternates?  what does adding a sublevel represent?  why would i want to use one (for phases maybe)? does this information translate to the calculation?  i found this more confusing than helpful, unfortunately.  

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  • Saufi

    Hi Sara,
    Regarding your questions...

    1. I still need to understand what is represented in the flow chart and where it's getting information.  
      The Reconfiguration tool gathers information from a CET drawing or a SIF file.
    2. Do I start this before drawing the "new layout" or after?
      You can start once you have both the New and existing layout.
    3. Does it work if I draw the project using Alternatives?  
      Yes, during the drawing import into the Reconfiguration tool, CET will prompt you to choose the desired Alternative and Article View to begin.
    4. What does adding a sublevel represent?  Why would I use one (for phases maybe)? 
      The sublevel would represent the Phases/Stages of your project.
    5. Does this information translate to the calculation?
      Once you have loaded both the New and Existing blocks, the bottom pane will populate with its respective Bill of Materials.
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