The Compare block makes a comparison between a Proposed block and one or more Existing blocks in your reconfiguration. A reconfiguration can consist of one or several Compare blocks, but note that only one Proposed block can be attached to each Compare block.
A basic reconfiguration chart with one Compare block.
For each Compare, three types of output blocks are automatically placed:
- New to… [name of Proposed block]
- Reuse from… (one for each Existing)
- Excess from… (one for each Existing)
Output blocks will include the label from the block they are referring to, i.e. Existing or Proposed.
Merging output blocks
Output blocks that are on the same level in the reconfiguration chart can be merged. The Merge button is grayed out until you have selected two or more blocks that can be merged. To select multiple blocks, press Ctrl and click on each block that you want to select and then click the Merge button.
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