Circular Replicate creates multiple copies of a selected object in a circle around a given point.
To use this tool, follow these steps:
- Go to the Tools component tab and select the Circular replicate tool:
- In the drawing area, either in the 2D view or 3D view, hover with the mouse over the component that you want to replicate. To replicate the component around a custom point or object, verify that the Pick start point option is selected in the properties box.
- Click to select the component (1).
- If Pick start point was checked, move the cursor toward the point that you want to replicate around. Find the desired point (in our example below the Center), and click (2). If Pick start point was unchecked, the center of the selected object will be the center around which the objects replicate.
- Start moving the mouse and use the green property box to create your setup. The following options are available in the property box:
Quantity – The total number of copies.
Radius – Determines how close or far away from the starting point the copies should be placed.
Angle – How the copies should be turned in relation to the starting point.
Rotation of copies – Rotates the placement of the copies around the starting point.
Rotate inward – Rotates the copies inward toward the starting point.
Keep original – Select this checkbox if you want the original object (your reference) to be retained.
Keep elevation - Select this checkbox if you want the elevation of the referenced object to be applied to subsequent copies. - Click once or press Enter to finalize the placement (3).
- Press Esc or move the cursor outside of the drawing area to end the tool.
I am attempting to do the polar replicate and my chairs keep refusing to rotate inward. When I try to click the rotate inward box it does not do anything to the product. What am I doing wrong? I have tried to replicate the chair when it was turned or straight and neither will rotate inward. Thank you!
Each manufacturer builds their symbols a little bit differently. In addition to checking Rotate Inward, enter a value in the Rotation of copies cell. Depending on the Extension, the value may be different. Try this out and let us know if you're still having issues!
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